I Miss You - episode 8 recap/reaction/caps post

Dec 02, 2012 17:16

I'd say it's official that I am addicted to this drama, but that was official a long long time ago.

(Recap, caps and reactions on ep 8 of I Miss You)

He is so happy to find her alive, it kills me. And she shoves him back but he won't take it. Well, her little 'torture JW game' was always playing with fire... I also love that Harry finally loses his vaunted composure and tries to follow the two but can't run due to his foot - well, that explains a large part of his deliberate personality. He doesn't have a choice.

When they are in the car, and he tells her they are having an all-day first date. And I love that neither says she is Soo Yeon explicitly, but he keeps bringing up SY to her and what he'd do with her if he found her and the past echoes for both. He brings her to her Mom's restaurant but of course she wants to go elsewhere and she drags him to a really expensive restaurant - it's like a game of one-upsmanship for them. And she keeps saying things to rub in their different socio-economic status but he just smiles. And when he tells her to hold on to his hand so she won't lose him and tells her he will take her to the playground, she finally loses her control and slaps him and it kills me that he smiles and says he feels better after being hit.

And when she drives back, she remembers his desperation. Please please let her to finally start to figure out he is not to blame and he's been looking for her.

HJW calls Harry to set up a meeting (to talk about SY) - Harry's strength is playing games but Jung Woo's is utter refusal to comply.

Like I said, I love every happy family bit I get.

When Harry says 'she hasn't been listening to me, so she isn't as pretty' wtf wtf wtf forever. Alarm bells here. He also pretends he doesn't know she went with Jung Woo but she has another similarity with JW - she always tells the truth. I love that she admits she is the one most tortured when she tortures Jung Woo because it brings old Soo Yeon back. It kills me that she believes if it wasn't for Harry, she would be all alone, but it's lies, she only believes this because Harry lied to her (not to stir a hornet's nest, but that is a total controlling/abuser trick).

Clothes pin! Also, he asks his sis as a woman does he think Soo Yeon hates him and sis tries to avoid answering, but then says if it was her, she'd avenge. And he's oddly happy with it - even that is better than SY being missing. And then Eun Joo says not to mistake the other woman as Soo Yeon but date her anyway. I love that his family just wants him happy.

Other kidnapper has the gall to yell at Jung Woo (ugh, I wanted to murder him) and you see Jung Woo slowly breaking. And then the kidnapper mentions Soo Yeon and I love that JW could tolerate talking about him but loses it and goes for the jugular when SY is concerned.

Harry using Daddy Satan's secretary for more of his revenge plan. Blah blah. Though I like the idea of someone sticking it to Daddy Satan.

He shows up modeling the suit she wants for Harry (yay, new clothes on our intrepid detective for once!) He is worried she is the rapist's killer as her phone has been found in the rapist's apartment. I wouldn't blame her, but I hope she isn't. She ignores him but when he is gone, she desperately looks around for him - ahhh, the eternal push-pull.

He texts her, begging to stop the car (apparently there are no no-text-and-drive laws in Korea) and asks her about her phone and his voice...mmmmm, melting.

They ride the elevator to Harry's together because Harry wants to meet him. I'd ask for hate-filled passionate make-outs except for her being a rape victim.

Hello, symbolism!

Their conversation - as I said, HJW doesn't play games unlike Harry. And he gets to the point, investigating Harry re: rapist. Harry explains Zoe's scared reaction as - 'something special happened to Zoe. She had a car accident.' I literally yelled 'Liar!! Don't buy it, Jung Woo!' Luckily, while Jung Woo bares hus soul, he doesn't buy it either. (Yeah, a car accident - when Harry's psycho nurse ran her over!) Zoe joins to confirm and also pokes at the wound by implicitly comparing Harry's supposed speech to hang on to Jung Woo's feelings. And she quotes him Harry's abandonment speech. His response? "I waited for 14 years, I'll wait more." He responds to their games, to her hurt and loss by his faith - 'If she doesn't come even if I wait, it means she is on her way.' I totally started bawling. OMFG and that sums up his difference from Harry. Her face! (Also, doesn't it also explain their past together?)

Baiting Daddy Satan always brings me happiness...

Soo Yeon's Mom is a suspect (supposedly she bought dry ice - I wonder who is framing her. The murderer dragged his foot, could it be Harry? He probably hates SY's Mom for being a bad Mom. Hmmmm).

Jung Woo's reaction on seeing the footage that shows SY in rapist's garage - because he is afraid she is a murderer? Because it confirms she is Soo Yeon? I am not sure. Probably a bit of both.

Harry wants Zoe to wear the key to the vault with the money (that Daddy Satan has been hunting) to the party - I wonder if he wants to use her in his revenge or is he just trying to bring her closer. He tries to kiss her and she turns her head away. I am as hardcore Team Jung Woo/Soo Yeon as one can get, but damn if I wasn't yelling at the screen for her to kiss him. I should not be having the thoughts I am having about a 19-yr-old.

The final scene (note - every time he taps his cane and she jumps, I hate it. You are not a dog, lady!) In another drama, I'd love to watch and ship two wounded schemers taking on the world. (Ironically, if Harry didn't help and even encourage her to hide Soo Yeon and be just Zoe, she could have healed faster and maybe they could have been together).

yoo seung ho, i miss you, recaps, yoon eun hye, screencaps5, yoochun, doramas5

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