The Princess' Man ep 22 caps

Dec 11, 2011 10:03

I realized I never posted these...

Here because he's gorgeous.

Jung and Kyung Hee, one of my favorite secondary OTPs.

I love every one of their horse-riding scenes because of how it ties into the narrative of freedom in the story - how it can be romantic (first ride) or dark and awful (in ep 14) or just how it shows their togetherness (here).

KH visits Jung in jail and I bawl. Discussion about the baby omg.

She gets ready for his execution.

Oh God.

I loved that Se Ryung didn't tell Seung Yu the real date of the execution as Jung asked, because that wouldn't save Jung and just kill SY. And I love how he doesn't blame SR for it later.

DIAF please. Well, you actually do later and slightly redeem yourself.

He finds out Jung is dead.

Honestly, I have no words for how much I love them. And I love that at least, no matter what else is going on in their lives, they have each other for trust and support - that he can finally fall asleep on her shoulder and that she has someone who is worthy of her love and trust.

Ah, yes, this scene. *gibber gibber gibber*

More to come. After all, I still have ep 23-24 caps.

moon chae won, screencaps4, secondary otp, the princess' man, park shi hoo, doramas4

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