Bitch, please

Dec 11, 2011 00:47

Secondary Lady, when you have a scene that makes me flash back to Something Happened in Bali, you oughta cool it way down.


Honestly, the dude isn't going to want to stay as your codependent survivor's guilt buddy if you act like a rabid hyena.

I love the symbolism of this. Also, honestly, the way she is shocked he started locking his doors says volumes about unhealthiness of their relationship. I mean, I roomed with my best friend in college but I'd find it freaky if she kept wandering into my room and would have started locking my doors too.

Oh, such sweetness!

But of course, after sweetness, we must have a ton of angst. Oh, this scene! I wanted to kill him (only not really, because he was so destroyed). I understand that the lake of self-loathing is a comfy habitat, but you are not allowed to immerse yourself in it, Jae Hee, if it hurts Bong Sun! I've seen people refer to this bit as 'noble idiot' but I do not think this was it at all - noble idiot (which I like btw) is when you pull away from the other person to protect them (see Saran in later gisaeng parts of New Tales of the Gisaeng). This isn't it - this is JH's active self-loathing - he's not protecting Bong Sun, he's punishing himself.

This scene! Please tell me I am not the only one who flashbacked to that scene in Bali where Jo In Sung's horrible mother and fiancee gang up on Ha Ji Won and he just steps in and loses it. Hint, Hwa Young - screaming at the girl he's in love with to 'kneel down!' (to some lying old bag she has no connection to and whose bullying she stepped up to stop due to her sense of justice) just because he's standing up for her, isn't going to win him over to you from her. It's only going to make him realize how crazypants you are. Go watch Bali until you chill out, freak!

lee ji ah, screencaps4, yoon si yoon, me too flower, doramas4

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