Myung Wol ep 2 liveblogging - Shiri as screwball

Jul 16, 2011 17:42

I didn't want to do liveblogging but as the ep went on, I kept getting the urge worse and worse and finally gave in.

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eric mun, youtube4, screencaps4, capital scandal, myung wol the spy, han ye seul, doramas4

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Comments 30

sisterjune July 16 2011, 22:34:49 UTC
JAIL IN MY PANTS! hahaha. you're great <3

(hey mousie I wonder, do you have MSN? I could always use more people to chat kdramas with :D)


sisterjune July 16 2011, 22:37:42 UTC
oh but definitely my favorite part was when she is in his room and he is telling her all the reasons why he could never be with a random highschool girl (she doesnt remotely look like a HS girl so whatever) and she's thinking about how she wants to kill him. so great. and omg this drama IS like capital scandal! If this drama is even a fraction as good as CS was, then we are in for a treat.


dangermousie July 16 2011, 22:42:19 UTC
I know, this was totally hilarious. If only he knew, he'd run out of the room screaming. :P

I hope it's even a little as awesome as CS! :) It totally has frivolous guy, overdedicated girl thing.


dangermousie July 16 2011, 22:45:24 UTC
You know he's thinking that! :)

I don't have msn but i am going to get one, chatting is fun.


kilerkki July 16 2011, 22:57:36 UTC
Sexy Communist is my favorite screen-candy in this show, so far (Eric's maybe-mustache keeps distracting me, but Sexy Communist is managing to rock the 5 o'clock shadow very well). Also, I love his uptightness. Such a great contrast to Kang-Woo's tendency to fly by the seat of his pants, and it's very fun to see Myung-Wol adjusting to behave differently with each of them.

Great antidote for the current City Hunter angst! I think I may end up saving this drama's weekly episodes to watch after City Hunter, at least for the next two weeks: zany hilarity might help bind up a broken heart.


dangermousie July 17 2011, 02:14:20 UTC
If you like Lee Jin Wook (Sexy Communist), may I take this opportunity to pimp Someday, a criminally-underrated drama in which he is the lead. It's in my top 10 kdramas of all time:

(This is a nonspoilery pusher post I did for it).

I adore Eric's pirate look in this one but I always did love scruffy :P

Yes, I like that MW improvises and thinks on her feet.

The MW v. CH watching thing is a great idea and I may steal it!


kilerkki July 17 2011, 02:37:00 UTC
That drama looks AMAZING. Straight up my alley--perhaps my favorite trope in kdramas (or media of any sort) is two very broken people coming together and learning to heal. And not-evil female second leads are ALWAYS a bonus. (I like to see the ladies be awesome, or at least be evil because they've got a better reason than being a Spurned Girlfriend). Unfortunately it doesn't look like it's available on Dramafever or Viki, though I see you mentioned in your post some ways to access it. Maybe this will be the encouragement I need to try Netflix...

Eric does look vaguely piratical, which totally fits in with his slightly off-the-wall air. Maybe he'll convert me to scruff after all. :)

Fortunately MW is getting subbed slower than CH, so it probably won't be that long a wait between availability and watchability...


dangermousie July 17 2011, 02:46:36 UTC
Do you only stream? Because you can dl here (you need to register to see the links). It's a wonderful wonderful drama I cannot recommend enough and everyone I know who's seen it loved it.


princesagr July 17 2011, 00:02:45 UTC
I liked a lot the 2 first episodes. Although in my head doesn't remind me Capital Scandal (my all time favorite K-drama (addiction)), its very nice to watch.

Can't wait for more episodes, and I wan't a zoom in KW's past.


dangermousie July 17 2011, 02:10:56 UTC
CS was amazing - no idea if MW would ever get 1/10 as good but even making me think of it makes me predisposed to like it :)

Yeah, I am curious about KW. We pretty much know everything about MW's background and little about KW's (well, at least in this drama no chance they are fake siblings :P)


princesagr July 17 2011, 10:36:12 UTC
I am happy to see that I m not the only one that loved this underrated drama, Capital Scandal.
Anyway, I hope as well to be 1/10 as good as CS was.
Exactly, we know nothing for KW, and I am very interested to learn . Its about time.


dangermousie July 17 2011, 17:36:21 UTC
Yup - the whole thing with secret book is majorly odd.


vert_gazon July 17 2011, 02:02:30 UTC
asdkfjs Your recap = pure awesome.

So yes Myung Wol is an amazing lead right now. Love the acting which is the right balance of unworldliness with toughness. And in this drama it totally makes sense why she is so unaware of the world. In some dramas, you almost want to shake the heroine for being so naive to the point of being dumb.

I see the very hot chemistry between the leads but I can't exactly put into words as to why the character likes Myung Wol but just that he does. If you have any opinions on that I would love to hear it.


vert_gazon July 17 2011, 02:03:56 UTC
Also watching Material Queen which is insanely gorgeously shot with good acting. I think you'll like it a lot.


dangermousie July 17 2011, 02:07:32 UTC
I only watched the first ep of MQ and adored it but I am literally being buried by currently airing dramas.


vert_gazon July 17 2011, 02:33:42 UTC
You are watching a ton! I actually haven't watched a jdrama since Love Shuffle and I miss the really good jdramas. Unfortunately, none in the past 2 years have captured my attention. Might start Buzzer Beat though for a fun summer drama.


cleobulle July 17 2011, 10:16:48 UTC
Ah, I love Myung Wol. I think it will be a great drama. The only nitpick I have with it is that they made MY a bit too incompetent for my tastes. She wouldn't have gone as far as she has in the military if she could be so easily distracted and put off gard by a pretty face. But the results are pretty darn funny so it's not a big problem.

Did you read about the theory floating about on soompi that KW might actually be a spy himself? I didn't think so when watching the first two episodes but I'll keep an eye out for little things that don't add up. He has a shady past that's for sure.

And Sexy Communist totally has a huge thing for MY. She's probably his only weakness. And I'm pretty sure he didn't want her to join the Secret OPS division because it would put her in too much danger. I'm afraid I'm already shipping those two. I like the KW/MW pairing and ship them as well but there's something about cold, robot like characters in love that get to me every time.


dangermousie July 17 2011, 17:35:05 UTC
I dunno, it makes sense to me about MW - I don't think it's about Kang Woo's pretty face (her not being able to kill) but about the fact that she's not cut out to be a cut-throat operative murdering people, hot or not. After all, she's not in secret service - her job was in the division that cracks down on smuggled entertainment - that's peanuts. While I am sure that gets violent sometimes, it's a whole other level from a sharpshooter assassin like KSH's character in IRIS. I doubt she got to kill in the military either - NK is not in active war after all. So she's pretty much out of her depth with this assignment, either to assassinate someone OR to seduce them. I am sure if NK top brass REALLY wanted to assassinate KW or to seduce him, they'd send someone else, but it's her random excuse to save herself and then that general trying to cover up for his unpatriotic daughter and that excursion that landed her like this. She might have the physical stamina to do all this stuff but mentally, I agree with Sexy Comrade, she's not cut out ( ... )


cleobulle July 17 2011, 17:49:51 UTC
I wasn't talking about the killing stuff but mostly what happens in the first episode when she's after KW's autograph: chasing him ineffectively, ending up with her shoe laces tied together etc...It doesn't mesh with the kick ass opening scene (when she fails the test to become a secret agent).

The not cut out to kill I understand and agree with. She looks like a gentle and whimsical soul underneath the hard soldier shell she tries to put on.

Re:Sexy Communist. Gosh yes, I understand you. It's only because the NK part are so cartoonish they don't seem real that I can root for his character. Growing up in a communist country like you did, it must be harder to make abstraction of it all.

So you totally secret ship him with KW's psycho co-star? lol! I admit I can't stand her so far. I hope she'll get some character development and doesn't remain a spoiled bitch.


dangermousie July 17 2011, 18:50:27 UTC
Oh, the thing in the beginning with the autograph? Yeah. If I was going to fanwank it, I'd say that it's because her goal is an autograph, something that is pretty alien to her, as opposed to beating someone up (2) she is disoriented by the new and alien world so is confused. But tbh, I am sure they put that in just because it was funny ( ... )


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