Myung Wol ep 2 liveblogging - Shiri as screwball

Jul 16, 2011 17:42

I didn't want to do liveblogging but as the ep went on, I kept getting the urge worse and worse and finally gave in.

Two episodes in, I am in love with Myung Wol the Spy. In fact, except for City Hunter which stands alone, MW is my favorite of all the currently airing dramas. When vert_gazon said that it reminds her of Capital Scandal, it's as if something clicked into place - I was trying to place my finger on the faint sense of familiarity I felt and yes, that's it! The stories themselves have nothing in common but the vibe is the same - the sharp screwball feel, finding the absurd and the funny in what would be a very dark situation (Japan-occupied Korea and the Underground in CS, the tyranny of North Korea and its penchant for murder and kidnapping in MW) and somehow making it work - being internally consistent despite driving a hisorical purist nuts. And one more thing unites them - characters that I somehow get very attached to - the causehead female lead and the care-less, arrogant, yet ultimately decent person male lead, kooky secondary characters. And while it's all zany hilarity for now, there is a delicious possibility for conflict and angst later on. Oh, and the chemistry. The chemistry! Every time Myung Wol and Kang Woo get within ten feet of each other, I start wondering why they are not ripping clothes off each other yet.

It's also a gorgeously shot drama. And you have no idea of the kind of relief it is to find a romcomish drama (though like CS it's a mishmash of genres) whose hero doesn't make me want to stab him in the face repeatedly. Sure, Kang Woo is arrogant about his popularity/appeal, but he's ultimately a nice person - despite his 'are you a chaebol's daughter?' comment to MW, he doesn't want to marry someone for money (Secondary Girl is uber-rich and wants to marry him and tells her to bug off), he rescues MW when she's in his house and when she fakes having a fit, he doesn't call the cops but goes looking for meds (when for all he knows she's a psycho stalker) etc. Basically, unlike Best Love's Dokko Jin, who was a similar character, he's not a cartoon. Oh, and I adore Myung Wol, and her fish-out-water reactions and her single-mindness, and her temper and her deadly skills and her certain charm.

This is here because I find Communist Officer Robot Guy pretty damn hot, even if he'd probably be reciting the principles of Juche in bed.

Not as hot as I find Eric though. Man, I think my hormones spike every time that man is on-screen. Take me, Kang Woo! You won't even have to relocate to North Korea! I had way too many caps of Eric being sexy (which was basically every time he was on screen). Way too many and had to cull which necessitated careful analysis.

I really wonder what is the connection btw Kang Woo and the Chairman, In A's grandpa. They both want the same book (and what is the book thing about?) and Chairman has been his sponsor for the last 5 yrs (which rules out charity/relatives because wouldn't he have then taken care of KW when he was a kid and not a fully-grown man. Hmmm. I wonder what sort of history is there).

How gorgeous is Myung Wol? Seriously. Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous.

I kinda found it hilarious that after Kang Woo was all "I don't care if she lives or dies" he ended up saving her life when he found her stalkerishly hanging off his roof. Bwahahahaha. Yeah, keep on saying things.

I gotta say, he's really nice, not to call the cops on this weird stalkery high schooler. Though the fact that anyone believes Myung Wol is high-school age is the most improbable thing in this drama about NK spies and Hallyu superstars.

The scene where he was explaining to her why any romance between them is impossible, thinking she was a besotted fangirl (taking a time-out to ask her hopefully if maybe she's from a chaebol family ROFL), and she was thinking best of how to snap his neck per her mission, was LOLtastic. And then she fakes a fit so he won't call the police after all, when he starts to think she's a total stalker for real (little does he know she really is - only it's not your sexiness she wants, but your head) and is about to call the cops, and that distracts him (awww, he looks for meds). Kang Woo is not all that bright, poor sexy thing, is he?

And then she makes her escape (she is not cut out for assassination, clearly) and our big-headed Hallyu star is totally thinking about her! My favorite bit when he calls the missing persons division and they ask how long she has been missing and he says the time in hours, minutes and seconds. Bwahahahahahhahahahahaa. And then he does find her later and she gets out a knife but he knocks it away without noticing what it is (ROFL) and is all "I've been looking for you!" and tells her that "In the future, you have to report everything to me". Someone is getting awfully posessive over a nutty highschooler, isn't he?

I literally started laughing so hard that I woke Mr. Mousie, when Sexy Communist told Myung Wol that her Motherland orders her to marry Kang Woo in three months and have him defect to North Korea, saying this with such a serious face, like some sort of deadly mission, and MW was all "No, I'd rather kill him." Bwahahahahaha. Oh, Sexy Communist totally has a thing for Myung Wol, I can tell. Awww, he probably wanted to make babies with her for the glory of the Dear Leader. But he tells her "if you fail, you go to jail." I really bet he wanted to add "yes. Jail. In my pants."

They got two other infiltrators to pose as her parents and give her fake identity. Please tell me they aren't still planning on keeping her as a high-schooler. Kang Woo is what - 30? I think getting him to marry a (fake) high-schooler would be kinda hard (talk about societal scandal! It would also wreck his career but seeing that he will be supposed to go to NK, that would be the least of his problems.)

And then the female spy is trying to teach Myung Wol feminine graces which are utterly lacking in the military-minded MW who has never had a relationship with a man because she was too busy training. LOL. I think they will be better just coshing the unfortunate Kang Woo and dragging him over the border feet-first.

Secondary Girl has a pretty insane obsession (my favorite kind of secondary psycho), basically offering to buy him for herself (lady, you should watch Que Sera Sera, those things never end well). And also telling him he'll never find someone as obsessed about him as she is, which seems more a grounds for a restraining order and not marriage, but what do I know? I am sensing Kang Woo's hostility isn't just due to her persistence in the face of his utter lack of interest, but because of the family thing - his thing with Chairman is utterly weird, whatever it is. Clearly, whatever his comment to MW, he's not really for sale on the marriage market, so In A is out of luck. Though seeing his other choice is a North Korean agent sent to seduce and marry him and then get him to defect to North Korea, Secondary Stalker is beginning to look pretty good!

The final scene! They made Myung Wol to make a romantic confession and Kang Woo decides to use her to get rid of In A. Smooooooch!

Preview shows MW, in yet another guise, becoming KW's bodyguard. I am beginning to worry about the man's vision and brain capacity if he can't tell this is the same person. :P

Someone made a cool MV for the first two eps. Have it!

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eric mun, youtube4, screencaps4, capital scandal, myung wol the spy, han ye seul, doramas4

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