Heartstrings poll

Jul 11, 2011 20:38

I am considering whether to put aside Heartstrings and get back to it once Shin falls head-over-heels for Gyu Won (I am sure my kind flist would apprise me of when this happens).

It's a very popular pattern in kdramas to have a guy pine for annoying or evil secondary girl at first (my first and second ever kdramas - Full House and Goong - both had this). But it's one thing to put up with it once you have the entire drama to marathon and thus can ff over those early parts/get to the shipping quickly (as was the case for me with both FH and Goong). It's another when you have to wait to weeks to get it with nothing to do but stew at the idiot hero. I am getting to the point where I just want to stab Shin in his stupid (but alas, handsome) face.

So, what do you think?

Poll Heartstrings poll

poll, heartstrings, doramas4

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