A smorgasbrod of everything.

Apr 30, 2011 19:32


OMG! Yi Kyung's dead lover was Scheduler?????!!!! OMG. And how cute were they?

Also, JH got her first tear, just as she was begging heaven to help her. Omo. We didn't see who it was, but I bet it was Kang. I just know. You know, LYW is a very uneven actress with me but she's really knocking it out of the park here.

2. I continue to be obsessed with K.O. 3an Guo. It's hilarious but also knows how to tug at me. Also, my crush on Guan Yu is sort of insane now. I basically ship him with Diao Chan because I think the boy should have everything he wants, though my interest in Diao Chan herself is pretty much nil. She's tough in her own quiet way, but compared to Xiao Qiao or the recently appearing Shang Xiang (who is all sorts of magnificent), she sort of fades into the background.

Hello, parenting fail! I don't really like Lu Bu, but I feel sorry for him.


Love them.

Hello, creepiness!

Ahhhh, OTP.

Oh drama, you are so insane.

Diao Chan is sweet enough to be a Victorian heroine. I pretty much rolled my eyes at this one and giggled :)


Awww, Guan Yu, I really love you. He's doing all this so the orphans will be happy but without Diao Chan knowing. Sweetest badass ever. Love him, woman, darnit!

Friends tell GY he's too much of a good guy to get the girl so he imagines these hilarious scenarios of what would happen if he was smooth bad boy :) LOLOLOL

Is it bad that I am all "go away already?"

My OTP! They play around and he cheers her up! And stands up to evil DZ for her. YESSSS.

So sweeeet!

Yessss! Though if it finally took her a threat of his execution to figure out how she may feel, this relationship will be slow going to say the least.

I think Fake!Liu Bei and SX are definitely going an OTP I can get behind. She is by far the smartest character in the story so far.

Ahahahahaha, never change, drama.

I am pretty much a sap, but I teared up during this scene. The crew and Diao Chan wait for the outcome of a card-flip which decides whether Guan Yu gets to live or die (as per fake trial set by Dong Zhuo).

Told you, they are totally awesome! I love that SX is the first person Fake!Liu Bei thinks of when people starts disappearing around the school and wants to make sure she's OK.

3. A quick bit about New Tales of the Gisaeng.

I really liked the 'confrontation' between Saran and Damo's Mom because it wasn't. There wasn't screaming or slapping or sums of money offered. Just two grown-ups trying to deal with things. Damo's Mom believes Saran when Saran says she didn't lure Damo etc etc. Of course, politeness or not, no way can she allow Saran as a daughter-in-law, and now that Saran knows that for sure and also knows Damo will probably get disinherited if he keeps this up, of course she's going to martyr up. Honestly, I doubt his father would disinherit him - he's the only child. I think it would be fun to see the OTP stick together and cope with being poor (because I am pretty sure Damo could find a white-collar job but it won't be the same standard of living) but that is not where the drama is going. I don't mind, narratively, her accepting the carte blanche from the CEO because that would push the story forward (and not get it stuck in gisaeng push-pull forever) without giving it a happy ending 20 eps too early.

I love how steadfast Damo was with his mother. But I loled when he told her "it's not as if I have an incurable disease." Bwahahahaha not the way to convince her your marriage is a good idea :)

4. So, Romantic Red Rouge.

Because no matter how much I adore my kdramas, I must have my period cdramas or my brain gets itchy.

We finally met FBB's husband and even though he has the maturity of a two-yr-old and is generally useless, the man is seriously seriously hot!

'Gives Wallace Huo a run for his money' hot. Mmmmm. I have just moved up Legendary Warrior, a wuxia starring this yummy yummy gentleman, way up the watch list.

But I still ship he with the sexy steward since (a) Wallace Huo! (b) I prefer to ship her with someone who treats her well and is an adult. Plus, they are awesome together.

5. So yes, I had these Jade Palace Lock Heart caps forever. I confess I haven't finished the drama yet, for the oddest reason. I am hoarding - I don't want it to end!

I feel so very sad about how much Eight longs for approval of his mother.

I really really love Four/QC carnival of dysfunction.

Oh my goodness! So adorable!

I love how he only has eyes for her, even when Mommy is presenting him with supposed bride.

Jealous, when she saw bride trying to mack on him.

Seriously, I love them so much!

Enjoy being happy because she's about to break your heart to protect her friends!

The hair of emo is terrifying.

Making up! Adorable hurt/comfort!

I love that she's a rare time-traveller who actually thinks long and hard about returning back to her time (if she can) and all the pros and cons and decides she will, with Eight, to save him. Because bette he hate the new time than die here.

Seriously, never change, you guys.

She discovers he commissioned an artist to draw her because he misses her and can't be with her all the time. Meeeelting.

So OTP, it hurts.

6. So, more Legend of the Condor Heroes

The single most dysfunctional sex scene ever in a drama. They are doing it with a corpse of her suitor barely feet away (who they killed). And really, I love that it's her desire to put him first and protect him that really makes him lose control because it feeds so perfectly into his issues of feeling unworthy and that nobody loves him or has his interests at heart, puts him first etc. He views the world as against him entirely. (Oh, how different this is from the sweet make-out in his ancestral home all these eps ago when he stopped them because he wanted to marry her first. Oh darlings, how far you've fallen!)

I love every time GJ and YK confront each other. All the lost brotherhood is such huge unspoken hurtful thing between them. And we see the cracks in YK's facade and his desperation. And Guo Jing finds out it wasn't HR's father who killed his teachers, but it's too late.

7. I've only been able to watch the tragic parts of Young Warriors of the Yang Clan sporadically because - tragic. But this scene just might be one of my favorites, because I am in awe of Six's ability to forgive and his grace to PM's awful daughter. He's is amazing - under these circumstances, with his family dead, with her trying to kill his soldiers and trying to force him to kill his OTP. He can still forgive and find good in her.

8. So, Doctor Who first ep of new season. Entertaining but I have the same problem I do with all Moffat seasons - smart and fun but I don't really emotionally care for any of those people.

british tv, young warriors of the yang clan, romantic red rouge, 49 days, screencaps4, new tales of the gisaeng, k.o. 3an guo, teevee, dr who, legend of condor heroes, jade palace lock heart

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