Did Yu Zheng mix drugs into this thing?

Mar 29, 2011 22:36

I keep meaning to make a nice, long, cap-heavy post about the latest eps of JPLH, but like everything else drama-related I plan to do (finally checking out 49 Days, continuing with Crime Squad etc), I actually do not do it because to take the time to do it would interfere with me mainlining JPLH. It's getting a little unhealthy. I promise to tear myself away long enough do a proper JPLH post tomorrow. But for now, have this. It made my heart melt only to reconstitute myself into pure happiness.

Yes, absence did make the heart grow fonder. A lot fonder. Actually, his telling her he will not chase after her any more, and she should really decide who it is she really wants and what she really feels, and then leaving on that inspection, was probably the best thing that could happen, not just because it demonstrates Eight is really mature about this whole thing but in terms of pushing the OTP forward - because she needs a shock like that - she's so emotionally dense about her own feelings (I love that she's analyzing what she feels and whether it's love - the ill-fated infatuation with Four probably made her extra-careful but she's generally bad with romantic feelings and she's so analytical about everything) - and I am sure in part because she never had to confront fear of loss of him before. A sort of 'you don't know what you have until it's gone.'

Anyway, I love the come-back scene so frelling much.

*off to binge more*

How could I have ever shipped Four/QC? Eight/QC is so much perfection. *basks*

ETA: Can Thirteen just die already? He annoys the ever-living fuck out of me. Every time he appears, I literally groan. Ugh, he should have just stayed in Mongolia or wherever the hell he was for most of the drama so far and got trampled by a horse. He's winning the title of 'most irritating' in a land-slide. I think I finally get it why Kang Xi later locked him up for life - If have to endure more than two more minutes of him on screen, I'd probably start wondering why Kang Xi hadn't ordered him to be hung-drawn-and-quartered while he was at it.

EA2: Oh God, I need to see a shrink for some sort of disassociaive disorder or something. Remember reading How could I have ever shipped Four/QC? Eight/QC is so much perfection bare paragraphs up? Well, due to Thirteen's manipulation, Qing Chuan and Four met in that abandoned palace and I am back on that ship - it's so wrong and dyfunctional and dark and hot. Really hot. I think Four/QC sex would be out of this world - all the disappointment and disdain and attraction and desperation and issues given tangible expression. Mmmmm. I always did love my fictional trainwrecks. Oh, forget it, can't they alternate on odd/even days or something? Qing Chuan may be too sane to want to have anything to do with Four, but I am clearly not.

period cdramas are crack, get a life mousie, obsessions are not healthy, feng shao feng, screencaps4, doramas4, jade palace lock heart, yang mi

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