Feb 19, 2011 16:32
49 Days - Body-switches, fantasy, love complications and a cast to die for - Jo Hyun Jae, Bae Soo Bin, Jung Il Woo. I don't care for Lee Yo Won, the female lead - I've always found her pretty but with little screen presence or emotion, but I've loved a number of her dramas before anyway (Fashion 70s, Queen Seonduk). Oh yes.
Crime Squad - Song Il Gook and Lee Jong Hyuk as hot macho cops butting heads? Sign me up! Plus, a mini Jumong reunion in the form of SIG and Song Ji Hyo, with the latter playing a tough lady reporter. YEEEESSS.
I Believed in Men - I did too. Still do. Not too hard as they are not Bigfoot, UFOs or other hard-to-find object. I am passing, thank you since I am not familiar with any of the actors and it's a Monday-Friday drama. Nope.
Midas - suprisingly, no. I love Jang Hyuk and No Min Woo, the writer is Chi Wan Kyu who can do no wrong in my eyes (I've loved every single drama of his I've seen), and I like the PD. Lee Min Jung is my single most-disliked drama actress but I could probably get past it. No, the deal-breaker is that NMW's character has terminal cancer and I have a blanket rule for reasons I will not get into. Said rule being that while I might watch dramas where someone has terminal illness, I will not do so if it's cancer. Still, I may be swayed if it turns out really excellent. No. With a little weasel room.
The Duo - I realize this drama has already started, but only barely so and I have not been following it yet since I dislike children-centric portions. Once the first eight (!!!) eps featuring the kiddies are done, I am tuning in - period drama about angsty fighters for justice? Where do I sign up? Please yes.
The Royal Family - seems angsty, older man-younger woman, stars my huge favorite Ji Sung. Why wouldn't I check this out? Yes.
Thorn Birds - it sounds so emo and makjang and stars Joo Sang Wook and lacks Richard Chamberlain as a priest (or any priests in general) so mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yes
What's Up - I've been dying for this since it was first announced. Think Dream High only with a better cast and an amazing writer. YES
(This post brought to you by my continuing attempts to detox from 3K)