mookiehyun, where are you? You promised to hold my hand!
I don't know where you guys are located, but unless it's on Mars, you might have heard my shrieking.
OK, so let me get your glorious and honorable plan for the restoration of the Han dynasty straight, Minister. You let your daughter get engaged to a guy she's in love with and who adores her, encouraging them every step of the way. Then when she comes to thank you, all happy and glowy, you tell her that "surprise!" - the whole point of the exercise is to set her fiance and his adopted father, warlord Dong Zhao, at each other's throats, so...slight change of plan. Instead of marrying someone she loves (and someone she fully believed she'd be married to shortly), how about she becomes Dong Zhao's concubine instead? Surely, it will piss off her erstwhile fiance enough for him to go berserker and kill Dong Zhao.
I don't care about him messing with Lu Bu - it may not be a nice thing to do but the guy is no relative of his and he owes him nothing. But Diaochan is his daughter. One he supposedly loves. His grand plan involves prostituting his child to a disgusting elderly monster/rapist whose advertisement for chef would probably read "honest, punctual, and good at making pies out of intestines of my enemies." After fully letting her believe she could be married to the man she loves instead. What kind of a person does that??????
Plus, that's a huge gamble. Sure, Lu Bu may decide to off Dong Zhao. Or he may decide to get horribly drunk and go fight a bunch of battles as a stress-reliever instead. Or he may try to off the guy and fail. And then there is, of course, the fact that even if Lu Bu went and slit Dong Zhao's throat like Minister Pimpy desires, it still means that until that happens, Diaochan has to sleep with a cannibal rapist.
Oh, you are so honorable. So very honorable. If you want to save the Han empire so much, why don't you go screw Dong Zhuo yourself? Nah, instead you are going to try to blackmail your daughter into horrors by threatening to off yourself otherwise. F***ing bastard. I hate you and want you to die, moronic pig!
Yelling shutupshutupshutupshutup at the screen every time Minister dude opened his mouth didn't help. I need to step away from my computer. It's expensive and I cannot afford to break it.
Not helping. Need to take a break because this is getting unhealthy.