Secret Garden - a few more favorite scenes in ep 4

Nov 25, 2010 22:43

None of them can beat the dressing-room scene, my favorite of the episode, but they are wonderful.

I loved the scene of JW having a panic attack in the tunnel - for one, it was gorgeously shot, but for another I now get why he only manages to make it to the office twice a week. Tbh, I've had panic attacks, and you wouldn't get me to come in to work twice a month if I had to go through an attack to get there. In his neurotic weirdo way, JW does have guts.

Talking to his shrink. The reason I loved this scene was the very end when he asked (not for himself but a friend, mind you, LOL) 'what are the symptoms of lovesickness?" so earnest and open and as if it was a real illness. He really is from another planet - one without filters.

This was just such a pretty scene, with him tearing off petals playing the "she is cursing me/she is not" game and tearing up half the field looking for a satisfactory answer. Once again, a gender reversal of sorts.

Dinner with his family and suddenly a lot of his classism and neuroses make sense. They are all (a) weird (b) cold (c) backstabbing (d) snobbish (e) highly unpleasant. I'd be on meds too if I had to be around them.

This was just plain cute. She calls him (to return a vacuum cleaner) and he instantly goes from 'bored by life' to eager, even as he pretends he couldn't care less. Heh.

I bet he staged this deliberately. And once again, note the gender role reversal - she's the active one, driving up a motorcycle, and he's sitting reading with billowing curtains like an Austen heroine. (Side note - his book seems sort sort of treatise on lives of poor people. Ahahaha. He's studying her through books. Oh, Joo Won).

She returns the cleaner and he tells her he doesn't want it. And then throws it into the lake. Someone has not been given enough time outs as a child. And as she grimly wades in after it, his expression changes to horror because he has not expected her to do this in his wildest dreams. OK, you are not as bad as you act, Joo Won! He really reminds me of a little kid acting out to find limits. A bratty spoiled kid, that is. Maybe Ra Im can administer a spanking :P

Once she climbs out, he follows her and yells at her, asking her what kind of woman she is, that she'd wade after the cleaner, instead of making him apologize (the most indirect apology ever - JW, if you want to apologize, just say so).

She plans to leave, still in her wet clothes so he throws her ignition keys into the lake (have you learned nothing, boy?) and when she yells at him to fetch it, he drags her into the house to dry and change instead. He shows concern in the weirdest ways.

But who do they find there but Joo Won's creepy, ice-cold, dead-eyed mother. Seriously, that lady gives me the willies - she is a total vampire and I don't mean figuratively. No, I mean she looks like someone who sucks blood and turns into a bat.

Mom is being the world's biggest bitch, insinuating Ra Im is a hooker, and too low class for her son at that. Joo Won is about to speak when Ra Im does what I always want heroines to do when confronted with evil family/exes/etc but they never do. She stares Momster down and tells her that she is wrong - they would never be together because Joo Won isn't good enough for her, Ra Im. And calmly walks off, leaving Momster sputtering and Joo Won looking after her, spellbound. I find it very interesting btw, how Ra Im is completely fearless in every way except expressing/dealing with her emotional vulnerability - i.e. she can jump off a ten-story building and she can confront Momster about whom she doesn't care at all, but dealing with Joo Won about whom she has muddled feelings is very hard for her, even before he jumped into jerkitude. JW is the opposite - he has so many conditions and problems that prevent him from not just RI's fearlessness but simple functioning, but emotionally he's utterly straightforward and fearless (he is being a jerk with RI not a a means of denying his feeling but because he can't figure out what his feelings are and how he's feeling them and is processing them this way).

He wades in to get her keys.

This is from the preview. I have no idea what is going on, except that he's being a jerk and she slaps him for it. Go, Ra Im-sshi!!!!!


I don't have any caps about it but I wonder about Satan Girl. Why on earth does she want to direct Oska's MV? Even for her it seems to be going out of the way for little point. I mean, she bribed the other director to give the project to her. And it can't be to warn Oska not to spill about them dating to Joo Won - surely the best bet to get his cooperation would be to show as little in front of him as little possible and make sure he's not annoyed enough to spill the beans - it's not as if he has anything to fear from revealing it. When you add in the fact that (a) she wants to get a particular leading lady for MV no matter what (she just won't accept no) and that leading lady is the one she suspected Oska cheating on her with when they were dating (b) when Joo Won is being completely uncooperative/uninterested in her, she wonders "aren't there any more cousins?" which indicates that her goal in wanting to date JW was because he's Oska's cousin, all this adds up to the fact she must be doing all of this as some sort of revenge on Oska for whatever happened during their relationship (I have no idea if he cheated, seeing how hung up on her he still is, probably not, but she certainly thought he did). Paradoxically, this makes me like her more - jealousy is a human emotion, and that means she's not game-playing all the time. Make no mistake, she's still a horrid snobbish cow who murders English language every time she opens her mouth (I laughed so hard when Modern Cheoro put her in her place in his quiet way) but at least this means she's human.

I cannot wait for ep 5. From what I read on soompi (spoiler about timing/duration of body switch), it looks like body switch lasts eps 5-8 which is about the right timing and length for it. Not too soon but not too late, not too many eps, and with enough time to deal with the fallout. Mmmmm.

screencaps2, secret garden, doramas3

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