But I giggled like a lunatic when Min Woo and Miju were going to meet for their date and she fell, being unused to high heels, and scraped her knee a teeny-tiny bit. He totally freaked and insisted on carrying her and taking her to the emergency room despite her bemused protests (he was all "blood is gushing! Ahhhh' and she was rolling her eyes). IT WAS ADORABLE.
There was also this incredibly gorgeous scene where she made him feel better after Satan has been sent to jail. I totally flailed.
In conclusion, Min Woo is a giant dork - just look at him asking Miju out for a date, after ordering her not to trust any man except for him, ever, because they are all crooks. LOLOLOLOL. "You are not jealous, are you?" "Why would I be jealous?" Ahahahahahahaha.
ETA: I peeked around and preview for ep 31 promises me this!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, yes, go make the angsty illegitimate baby I crave from you guys :P