We interrupt our scheduled broadcast for this bit of an impromptu rant...

Jun 22, 2010 15:49


I literally have tears of rage in me eyes.


To nobody's surprise, after actually liking Ou Chen OK for the first three eps, with ep 4 I am back to my feeling when I read book summaries - I WANT HIM TO DIE IN A HORRIBLE FASHION!!!!!!!

This guy makes Edward Cullen seem hands-off.

So, let me get this straight -

1. You have a girlfriend you've been dating for a while and who gives you no cause to doubt her.
2. Her parents adopt a kid from the orphanage, about her age.
3. Despite her repeated reassurance (does she even have to do that, wtf), all you can think of is "Oh noez, what if they start re-enacting Temptation of Wolves for no earthly reason", clearly not being sane enough to realize that outside of a kdrama stepsibling lurve isn't too common. There is NO indication that your girlfriend wants to do her new stepsib, btw. OMG, she dared to spend some time with her family (which now involves stepsib) and not you. Clearly a capital offense.
4. Since her father is employed by your company, how about pressuring him to send the kid (who obviously has major abandonment issues to start with) back to the orphanage. Who the HELL does that?
5. That's going to make the whole family happy - make the adopted parents feel like monsters, fuck up the new stepsib even worse, make your gf's little brother miserable, and not make your gf feel good either. What's not to love?
6. Like a true brave individual that you are, you run off for a trip to France right before your girlfriend finds out about the little arrangement so you won't have to deal with the fall-out.

Seriously, you guys, I have SO MUCH RAGE.

Everything about Ou Chen screams 'abuser' - those are the types of people who usually do their best to isolate the object of their affection from the world so as to be their sole source of everything. What next, smacking her because she dared to talk to some guy? I am sure he will be very repentant when that happens. Until it happens again. Seriously, this is such an abuse pattern it's giving me the creeps.

Let's face it, Luo Xi needs a therapist, badly. His issues have issues, all wrapped in a big abandonment fears package. But at least he is not evil control freak potential abuser combo that Ou Chen is. I feel pity for Luo Xi, nothing but deep deep loathing for Ou Chen.

UGHUGHUGHUGH. I know Xiamo won't end with Luo Xi and that gives me so much RAGE. Not necessarily because I ship her with Luo Xi (their damage is too similar) but because the thought of her with Ou Chen makes me break out in hives.

ETA: OMG the scene at the airport with Luo Xi and Xiamo was incredible. OK, I confess. I am now a hardcore Luo Xi/Xiamo shipper. Welcome to uncanon shipping hell, self.

ETA2: heee, evil drama, stop making me bipolar, now I am back to liking Ou Chen. All that stuff at the end of the ep was OMGWorthy.

rant, uncanon shipping leads to hell, summer bubbles, feminism, doramas3

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