You have GOT to be kidding me!

Jan 25, 2010 22:28

OK, You're Beautiful, I didn't care much for you one way or another but you did not invoke active rage.

Until now.

I have just started watching the uber-famous, classic 1997 kdrama Star In My Heart (also known as Wish Upon a Star). I love it to bits and should make a separate post about it.

Being me, I went to youtube to look up various vids. Guess what I found:

image Click to view

Look familiar? Oh YES. Isn't it shocking? YAB stole this scene basically bit-for-bit for its climax.

Pardon my language but THE FUCK?!?!

It would be one thing if it did it in an ironic, 'see us make a reference, aren't we cute?' fashion but naaaaaah.

Rage. RAGE. RAAAAAGE. They didn't just take elements but basically borrowed the entire thing whole-hog. I bet its little fangirls thought it was so touching and original. Just like the pool scene in BOF stolen from Lovers in Paris.

Made worse by the fact that YAB is forgettable at best and Star was a total phenom and a drama that I am currently madly in love with. Oh, and also? Yun Hee, the heroine of Star? Is tough and smart and grown-up - in my favorite scene, a drunk thug tries to drag her off to dance, and she slugs him, then when she and the hero (who helped her to extricate herself) run off to hide from the thugs, and he asks her why she told him earlier she was with a guy (as that little fracas demonstrated she clearly wasn't), she grins and tells him he looked like a player so she lied. And walks off. How dare they preempt her awesome for the disgusting wimpiness of Minam?

Not to mention inspiration is one thing but outright copying? THE HELL.

You are totally unworthy to copy one second of it, ugh ugh ugh.

ahn jae wook, rant, a star in my heart, youtube, doramas2, you're beautiful

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