If this were any more pitch-perfect, I'd hyperventilate to death

Dec 12, 2009 23:45

I really have only one thing to say about this ep: PILLOWFIGHT.

OK, shippy obsession aside, ep 9 of Someday was so pitch-perfect, you guys. And actually, I think it's the first time we've ever seen Hana laugh - really laugh. It was so wonderful.

I continue to ship Hana/Seokman so hard that it's becoming mildly embarassing - if this keeps up, they are going to go on my favorite drama OTPs list for sure. The funny thing is, I feel rather protective and big-sisterish towards them - I want to fix them up and feed them and just - I don't know. In age and personality I am a lot closer to Haeyoung (yay, finally remembered Secondary Girl's name) and I do adore her to bits - clever, compassionate, feeling bad that she is manipulating "children" but doing so anyway both because she likes Hana and Seokman and can tell they are in love even if they don't realize it but also because she wants Dr. Go for herself.

This ep is full of the incredible adorableness of my OTP - they are living in the same house together! And went shopping! And he made her hangover soup and she almost let him color in her art panels. :P And they are actually sharing thoughts and feelings, which seeing how closed-off they are, in different ways, is so huge. Did I mention the scene where she gets tipsy and wants him to apologize (for earlier disappearing) - and it's the shippiest thing ever. But it's the power games of Go and Haeyoung that really drive this episode's plot a lot - Haeyoung knows Go likes Hana so she is pushing the OTP together in large part because she wants Go (they've been best friends forever btw) for herself but she won't admit it to Go that this is why - saying she wants them to hook up out of altruism and their living together in her company house is "business". And Go won't admit to her that the reason he is opposed to this is because he wants Hana for himself - he just does various other manuevres. And they both know exactly what the other is doing and why but won't admit it out loud.

Kim Min Joon (who plays Go) is, as always, ridiculously gorgeous but he is really freaking me out. He hasn't done a single evil thing nor do I think he ever will (it's not a melodrama, after all) but the mere fact that he CAN manipulate so well (the man is a shrink by profession after all) is disturbing because Haeyoung is his equal - it's a level playing field. But neither Hana nor Seokman are, and not just because they are close to a decade younger. They are emotionally vulnerable in the way Go or Haeyoung are not. I have to say, the scene where Go loses it with a motorist, and this is the first time we see him lose control so utterly was both disturbing and sexy and very welcome because for once he is not wearing a tightly-controlled urbane mask but allowing himself to show what he really feels (anger, jealousy, helplessness).

All four of the main characters wear these really elaborate masks and this is an episode of firsts - you see them really break for Hana (whose indifference is wearing off by leaps and bounds - she is angry at Seokman, she is jealous of Haeyoung, she laughs and shares her feelings and tells Seokman she wants to get to know what makes him tick - she is acting 100% human), for Go (whose urbane polite mask is finally beginning to crack), for Haeyoung (this episode is the first time we see her truly vulnerable - in the aftermath of seeing Go break down). Not so for Seokman yet - he has managed to remain vulnerably sweet-natured despite all the horribleness of ep 8. Of course, he is a selfless darling, just as Hana really is introverted, Go laid-back and polite and Haeyoung strong - the problem is that he, like the rest of them, has been stifling natural human reactions to various things (they all do, whether due to trauma (Hana, Seokman) or habit (Go, Haeyoung)) and that is not a healthy, viable way to live. Just as Hana needs to break out of her isolation and react with emotion, whether that emotion be joy or anger, Seokman needs to break out of his own penance and allow himself to feel negative emotions and to allow himself to express them - whether it's rage or jealousy or selfishness. Because in his nice way, he's even more of an emotional cripple than Hana is. Repressing is not good and neither is lack of self-worth or complete self-abnegation. That is not a way to live. Interestingly, the preview for ep 10 seems to show that he's about to have that thorough emotional meltdown that is about 5 years overdue. Good. He needs it, however ugly it's going to get.

Unless the quality of this drama nosedives in the last 7 eps, this is in my all-time drama Top 10.

someday, doramas2

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