Up through ep 14 of City Hall and it's such total love, honest.
I really don't like dramas (or any sort of long fiction) where the characters stay static and do not learn and I love that CH isn't like that - she teaches him idealism and he teaches her the nitty-gritty of politics. Which is perfect because to be a good politician, you need both. Without his lessons, she'd be an idealist who'd never get anywhere, let alone not be elected. Without her lessons, he'd be successful but soulless, seeking for meaning without knowing it - using success instead of true satisfaction. I think part of the arc of this drama is his finding validation within himself and not needing to substitute for the lack of same by craving love/approval of his absent father* And of course, she teaches him trust and love but he teaches her self-worth. They both had it all there but it needed to be brought out - she needed someone who'd help her believe in herself and he had plenty of belief in himself but he needed to have someone else believe in him, to function properly.
They are so perfect together. I especially love the constantly teasing vibe they have going on. And I love that they are both adult. It's so refreshing. Not to mention he is drawn to her because of her stubborness and her principles and her backbone. LOVE.
Side note: I know his fiancee was as popular in fandom as a case of leprosy but I like her. I would never want to be around her and I can't say she is a good person but (a)I love that the drama never demonizes her and (b) I admire her - she is someone who entered into an engagement that is basically a cold-blooded business arrangement on both sides (when she tells Jo Guk something to the effect of she does not care how and who he fools around with as long it doesn't jeopardize her chances to someday become First Lady, and she means it) and sticks to it - she doesn't fall for her betrothed, and anything she does to bust up his falling in love with Mi Rae has nothing to do with jealousy or evilness or whatever but pure ambition. If she thought he could have a sterling career and marry her (i.e. the fiancee), she wouldn't care if he had a dozen Mi Raes. I sort of admire that. And I admire that the drama never presents her as evil for it.
But I can tell angst is about to hit for our lovers! I can feel it. You can't have both a successful career in politics and emotional entanglement like they are having. Not to mention, they both know that if they ended up on different sides of an issue, and she believed her position was righteous, she would fight even him.
* who should die in a fire, btw. For many reasons, the latest being the little surprise dinner. Duh, of course one should totally invite one's unacknowledged son to lunch and then spring his girlfriend on him there too, and then tell her while the guy has to listen that she should dump the guy because otherwise he is going to make her political life very difficult and telling her to choose between her constituents and her boyfriend. While said boyfriend basically has to sit there and listen to his father try to treat him like a puppet again. WTF? I love Mi Rae's reaction btw - she is so awesome.
I think I melted in a puddle of goo.
I love it when they talk politics - mmmmmmmmm, use those brains, folks, it makes you sexier!
Mi Rae can be so fearless and fierce!
This scene made me incoherent, literally! Best first kiss ever, yes/yes? Also their mouths were open and moving OMG.
They get busted in a hotel (they are talking not boinking but still). I totally love that Jo Guk totally means what he says, which for someone as focused on success is HUGE. Politics isn't just about power, it's about validation too, and at least that part of it is less urgent to him - he needs validation from strangers less desperately now because he has Mi Rae. I don't think you want a politician who would sacrifice anything to stay on top, you want someone who has something he/she is unwilling to give up. So Yay.
Not related, but look at my yummy lunch:
ETA: the scene with Jo Guk and his father in ep 15 OMGOMGOMGOMG. So much YES. And when he tells him he is going to break it off with fiancee and leave his father stranded for political money because "it's in my blood" OMGOMGOMGOMG so much love.