Ten Reasons Why You Should Watch City Hall

Dec 04, 2009 23:59

I have just finished episode 12 of City Hall and I feel like someone who's had a cup of warm strong tea after coming in from the rain. It just so hits the spot. This year has been a year where many a drama I anticipated eagerly (BOF, My Fair Lady, YAB) disappointed and others I thought would be awful made me fall in love (Tamra, Brilliant Legacy, City Hall) and I am so happy.

Episode 12 basically sums up why you should watch City Hall today if you haven't yet.

Reason 1: It features a heroine who can say this:

Reason 2: It features a hero who looks at her proudly and warmly when she says it:

Reason 3: Slashy teasing.

Reason 4: Because when a city hall jerk tries to school Mi-Rae in "her place" because she is a political outsider and a woman, Mi-Rae sticks it to him, hard.

Reason 5: Fun political machinations.

Reason 6: Cha Seung Won is hot and wears exclusively suits.

Reason 7: Adorable OTP jealousy. No matter the political experience, goofiness occurs.

Reason 8: Swoony romantic moments. That can cost her her heart and him his political future.

Reason 9: Kim Sun Ah's amazing faces.

Reason 10: Female friendship:

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