Love Shuffle - ep 8. Thank you for breaking my heart into pieces, drama!

Nov 18, 2009 00:34

I wish I could say I had coherent meta about episode 8, seeing it's my favorite one so far.

But I don't have any because it kinda brutalized me - good job, drama! Plus, this is the third day I am behind on my sleep because of this drama, so my brain is fried.

Also? My main feeling is rage at him, but I don't think I want to put down everything I feel about Masato, because I am terrified of him. That is the most twisted thing I've seen in a while. WHO DOES THAT???????

Kairi and Ojiro happy. That's the only time we really see either one of them truly happy.

OMG. This broke my heart. Yukichi seeing Mei in a wedding dress. The wedding dress for her wedding with Kei, his only friend.

(tears! I died!)

The most romantic confession of love I have seen in a drama, arguably, ever.

This whole episode left me feeling brutalized, sort of like Kei:

And of course, even after last night, Kairi disappears anyway, presumably to commit suicide. Ojiro is all brittle and "who cares" with Masato but, of course, he cannot keep it up when he is alone.

Oh God. There is a tiny bit of my heart still left. Thank you for stepping on it, drama.

Oh God.

Masato wins the competition for the most fucked-up, creepy character I have seen this whole year. He set up the whole thing ro make his lover (because he clearly conflates Ojiro with his dead bf because of the physical resemblance) go through the same hell he, Masato, went through when his lover killed himself, as some sort of beyond-twisted payback. And with a bit of twisted getting closer to Ojiro, too? I mean - WHAT THE BLOODY FREAKING HELL - I am terrified of Masato because that takes an unbelievably freaky and broken brain. ALSO EVIL EVIL EVIL EVIL EVIL WHO THE HELL DOES THAT?

Oh, and this: This! Yukichi = LOVE.

doramas2, love shuffle, screencaps, matsuda shota

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