Dammit, just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!

Sep 17, 2009 10:15

I gave up on Take Care of the Lady despite getting through the first four eps easily and actually even enjoying the drama because of my problems with the heroine's character as I am allergic to spoiled rich people. (I might watch a drama with a hero I don't care for if I love the heroine but not vice-versa).



I cannot resist this.

I cannot.

I mean. He is her butler and best (and only) friend and former gigolo who was going to use her for money but fell in love with her but she found out about his past and feels betrayed and they are both hurting now and they should make out already and no there will be no commas in this sentence.

Plus, my biggest issue with Haena was her not caring for anyone and being solipcistic and spoiled, but she has been getting better and she clearly cares and can be vulnerable and hurt. YES. I can put up with immature gal who is growing up and capable of caring so much better than with her queen-of-mean ep 1 self.

I lie I lie I lie about everything. It's just I simply cannot resist Yoon Sang Hyun. It's ahjumma law.

take care of the lady, doramas2, screencaps

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