One Montaigneian digression after another

Sep 16, 2009 16:39

1. I have started Heading to the Ground and, surprisingly, I like it, like it enough to follow it.

It might be the first drama in a while that I will actually follow as it airs. Perhaps it's because I went into it with rock-bottom expectations, perhaps it's because both leading characters are nice sweet people and I am in reaction mode against My Fair Lady brat, perhaps it's because the drama doesn't take itself too seriously. Whatever the reason, HttG and its story about an aspiring male soccer player and a young wannabe female sports agent seems genuinely sweet and charming, even if it won't win any masterpiece status any time soon.

Yunho is not the world's greatest actor but he is passable (and compared to some idols-turned-actors he is pure genius *coughKimHyunJoongcough*). I must be one of ten women in the Universe who fails to see the good-looks or sex appeal (honestly, I just don't get it) but his character is so sweet-natured and goofy, it would be hard not to like him. Ga Ara is, as always, ridiculously likeable and gorgeous - she is one of my favorite young upcoming actresses.

Oh, and the opening scene is not only cheestastically overdramatic but the Yunho-in-water-with-voiceover bit reminds of of Green Rose. I liked it better when Go Soo did it :P Which reminds me, make another drama asap, Go Soo!

But ultimately, we all know I am just marking time until IRIS anyway, don't we?

I have my doubts about Kim Tae Hee being able to pull off her role (I have seen her in Forbidden Love and Love Story in Harvard - she was breathtakingly gorgeous and utterly unimpressive in both). But surrounded by that cast, I don't much care - hopefully she either grew as an actress, had the role written to her strengths, or will be a distant muse and inspiration to Lee Byung Hun as he goes about assassinating people.

And speaking of murder and other yummy fictional stuff - Apparently they are moving upcoming Angel's Temptation to 9pm so it won't compete with the Queen Seon Deok unstoppable ratings. Makes sense - who will leave an already airing and highly iterative drama to check out another one on the off-chance it's better?

But does the earlier hour mean we won't be able to see nude Bae Soo Bin bathe in the blood of his enemies? :P

Well, at least he won't be wearing THAT! (One of these days, I must do an Andre Kim fashions post):

I really do want to check out QSD - it seems like the kind of show to either marathon on a cold day or have a weekly appointment with your TV for. Still, I am much too behind and will wait until DVDs.

Which reminds me, I still haven't finished Jumong or Emperor of the Sea. Yes, I know, I fail at drama, but those things are so bloody long! Kingdom of the Wind and Princess Ja Myung Go at its 38 and 39 eps respectively are the longest I could keep up.

And that in turn reminds me - is there any chance PJMG will be released on DVD with English subs. I'd love to own it. It's so deliciously complex but with a lovely, twisted love story underpinning it all.

Last but not least and having nothing to do with dramas, I started Simon R. Green's Blue Moon Rising, a fantasy novel and I am so very in love!

In the story, Prince Rupert of Forest Kingdom is sent on a quest to kill a dragon. Riding a unicorn (hehehehe). Everyone, including Rupert, knows it's basically a suicide mission because the impoverished, shrinking kingdom cannot afford two royal sons. But the mission does not go as planned - for one, Rupert and the dragon make friends. For another, there is Princess Julia, delivered to the dragon as a gift and terrorizing him ever since. She is as unwanted a daughter as Rupert is a son.

But when Rupert returns to Forest Kingdom, dragon, Julia, and unicorn in tow, that is when the story really begins - because Darkwood, through which Rupert had to fight his way on his quest, is encroaching on the land and will soon devour everything, leaving the land overrun with demons, if nothing is done.

I love this book. I love the mix of adventure and humor and desperation and heroism. I am crushing on Rupert, adore Julia, and am intrigued by everyone else.

Highly recommended.

ETA: OMFG, a kind soul on soompi posted a dcgallery poster for Chuno with the most detailed synopsis yet and am exploding here.

This is going to be an epic love triangle of DOOM.

emperor of the sea, heading to the ground, take care of the lady, korean clothing, doramas2, slave hunters (a.k.a. chuno), queen seon deok, angel's temptation, the kingdom of the winds, iris, princess ja myung go, books, jumong, screencaps

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