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dangermousie September 16 2009, 23:21:15 UTC
Oh, don't mistake me - HttG is no masterpiece of any sort. It's not even a rock-solid drama a la Brilliant Legacy. It's not going on anyone's Top 10 list except for DBSK fangirls'. But for what it is, it's not bad - it kept my attention, was less-in-your-face agressively cheesy than Dream and had less high expectations (on my part) to be dashed than My Fair Lady. Also, unlike the latter, I don't think it's wasting its cast because the cast isn't (yet) capable of much heavy lifting anyway. It's a modest drama but it doesn't aim for more, so I cut it a lot of slack.

I mean her BROTHER caused the mess?!

Can you imagine that family reunion if Dae Gil and Hye Won ever worked it out? LOLOL. I wonder why he did it though - yeah, he wants to run away but why torch the house? And why did Hye Won agree to go with him or was she dragged? I bet she didn't enjoy slavery, cute master or no, but it's a rather drastic measure to get free.

Also, I wonder if he blames Hye Won for the fire? OMG, this would be awesome - he thinks she is in part responsible for the arson but can't stop loving her anyway.

How does he know who burned down the house btw, or that she is alive and not died in the fire? I am going crazy speculating.


At least he won't be trying to swindle her out of her life savings. Though he will probably be bleeding on her doorstep at some point, seeing the kind of drama it is.

she somehow still manages to hook up with the sexysoldierslave. Bitch is crazy.

She's trying to compensate for lack of lovin' she got in EoE :P


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