Bloody good fun!

Sep 06, 2009 15:41

Have started True Blood and it is most entertaining, in a vaguely trashy way. - will definitely keep going. Two points though, either one of which is probably going to be unpopular.

1. I am a grown-up with a child - I clearly know how babies are made. I am not 14 and sex ain't a mystery any more. Thus, having the story stop dead so some actors could have a poor imitation thereof gets really old, really fast. I fail to see any value in it - there is no appeal at all, as not only can I get real pr0n if I so desired from a multitude of pay-per-view services offered by my cable company, but as the actors are obviously not doing it, all that happens is my laughing at how "to make this work his #### would have to be 2 feet long" fake it looks. And it kills the flow of the story as well.

Blahblahblah, you are daring, now go back to the plot!

2. Bill/Sookie. I love them, I ship them. They are so my fictional kink, it hurts. Which, as far as I can tell, makes me this fandom's equivalent of Duncan/Veronica shipper. Ahhh, well. It doesn't help that I do not get the thing about Eric - I have never gone for bad boys and, yes, I know this is freaky, I find the actor for Eric really "wrong" looking. Something about his face bugs me - I know everyone finds him gorgeous but I find him offputting-looking, to say the least.


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