Ladyhawke: one of my favorite movie endings ever

Apr 06, 2009 03:14

One of my favorite movie endings ever is the ending of the 1985 Fantasy/Romance movie Ladyhawke. Ladyhawke starred Matthew Broderick as a young thief who ends up travelling with a solitary knight named Navarre (Rutger Hauer - such a crush! One of the few actors that looks convincing as a medieval knight) who always has a hawk on his wrist. But at night, when Navarre is nowhere to be seen, Broderick meets a beautiful young woman named Isabeau (Michelle Pfeiffer, looking drop-dead gorgeous) who has a wolf at her side...

Who doesn't love true love, evil curses, and a wicked bishop?

Anyway, Ladyhawke is one of my favorite romantic movies of all time. It is rather, in a lot of respects, like one of the Lais of Marie de France come to life...

But the thing I love the most? The ending. Sometimes, when I am down, I put it in and just watch it to feel better. And this time? I took caps...

Navarre is about to kill the Bishop because he believes Isabeau is dead so there is no point in his refraining...

And then Isabeau is there calling out to him and he sees her for the first time in all that time...

And he makes the Bishop look at both of them to break the curse... is where I usually totally lose it like the girly girl I am:

And then Isabeau confronts the Bishop. YES.

And Bishop, who cannot stomach the thought of anyone having Isabeau if he can't tries to kill her. Great idea, truly. Because it leads to this. Go,Navarre!

Back to swooning...

(Yeah, I overcapped. Whatever, they are so very pretty!)


ladyhawke, movies, lais of marie de france, 1980s movies, rutger hauer, michelle pfeiffer, 1980s, screencaps

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