Bones: does this show have a plot? Does this show need a plot?

Aug 05, 2008 00:00

Still hideously Buffy-deprived (Filmi Girl and I are watching more tomorrow. If not, I give in and will watch by myself :P), I decided to check out a couple of eps of Bones I had on my hard-drive.

It's not really anything I'd watch devotedly as I am not big into procedurals, but as an occasional thing, it's not bad. More importantly, it's a pretty painless way to spend the evening: watching hot burly men and hot pretty women reenact fanfic scenarios in between boring procedural talk. I think some former fanfic writers write some of these scripts as the two eps I've watched had (a) the leading pair have to go undercover and dress-up as a couple for nebulous reasons. Heeee; and (b) heroine gets buried alive and hero has to find her and dig her out.

I approve.

Fanfic as show scenario Number 1: Dressing Up, Bare-Knuckle Boxing and Fake Coupling. Oh, make out already!

'What, we have to pretend to be a couple to crack a case? Didn't we read a fanfic about it on'

Bones tries to escape her fate by dressing this way. Good luck!

Where was I going? I sort of got sidetracked there. *OK, OK, breathe*

And, perfect fanfic moment, Bones has her new dress on:

And can't even zip herself up :)

I want to do an undercover assignment, dammit!

I will even tolerate man jewelry in a good cause:

Where are your hands, Booth????

Though she doesn't seem to mind:

"OK, what would make this even more fanficcish? A teeny bit of hurt/comfort."

"And hugging"

Marry me, show:

So much prettiness. The plot was totally a silly McGuffin, but in such a good cause.

Oh, just do it already!

Fanfic scenario Number 2: Evil murderer-kidnapper takes Bones and Booth has 12 hours to rescue her while angsting photogenically. Yes please.

Bones' reaction on being trapped in the car by evil killer due to yet another fanfic:

Flasback, as to when Booth and Bones discuss fanfic the killer:

I am beginning to think he is a genetic mutation of hotness:

Bones might not think though, in the middle of her own photogenic angst:

Religious discussions shouldn't be so hot:

Enjoy it, soon there will be burying!


Photogenic angst is here!

And so is going all Neanderthal on guy who he sort of blames. I should not find someone telling another person he will end them hot, but I do.



Booth, even on an FBI salary, I am sure you can afford a shovel.

This is a fanfic straight from my id:

Going to Church to give thanks? How kdrama. Fanfic squee. Let me get this straight: he is a former sniper who is so hot my eyes are bugging out of my sockets AND he goes to Church for thanksgiving for his sex buddy partner being rescued? A-hem. I think I might need a cold shower.

Oh, seriously! Just do it already! Though hopefully not in the church.

Conclusion: Procedural plots are totally silly and by the numbers but my brain is overruled by hotness and fanficness of it all. Ultimately, it's a big squee of approval from my id.

eye candy, bones, teevee, buffy, screencaps

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