Vampire Knight, Bones, and Moonlight: I love my men angsty!

Aug 04, 2008 15:21

I had a whole bunch of caps and comments on various things, so I thought I'd post them.

First off, continuing the theme of vampires that do not sparkle, I still adore Vampire Knight and to convince you to watch the prettiness, I bring you caps behind the cut.

Here is Zero Kiriyu, who hates vampires (they wiped out his family) and is a vampire hunter but is slowly turning into a vampire himself. He is my favorite character.

Pretty credits:

He is not happy Yuuki, his BFF is going to give chocolates to Kaname, the leader of 'peaceful' vamps at the school (I am too lazy to give a VK summary, just click on the tag).

I love this flashback to when Yuuki and Zero first met:



So pretty:


Fine, fine, here is a Kaname cap:


Poor Zero:

Also, my rewatch of Buffy reminded me of this (because DB is in it). I hate it when shows are set in DC! The first five minutes of Bones made me LOL so hard at the geography (yes, I plan to do a selective watch of the shippy bits the show. But I hope they stay away from the outsides :))

Look at all the screwups in the first five minutes!

It is nice to know Dulles Airport is located in the middle of town. Now only is the airport pretty far out (Reagan is the closest airport, and a cab to Dulles from downtown might cost as much as $60), if the plane was landing where the show indicates it's landing, it would be escorted by fighter jets because this is seriously no-fly zone. So unless Bones plans to land in a plane piloted by a terrorist in the middle of the Mall, I am afraid, this is no go:

This does not look like anything like Dulles. Dulles did not look this spiffy in 1970s, even. It doesn't even have much of a central terminal.

I am glad to see that Bones seems to live right in front of the Canadian Embassy and the Superior Court. Either she is richer than God, in order to be able to afford a private residence there (did she dislodge the District Court or something?), or...well, let's put it this way. The only people who live around there sleep on steam grates.

Not only that, but she clearly manages to breach the time-space continuum. I did not know LA City Hall was in DC! (Not to mention it's three times as tall as any building would be allowed to be in town. We are notorious for the 'no tall buildings' rule). Also, I have never seen that type of red building here ever:

Man, that's a heck of a detour she is taking to work, since this is nowhere in DC! Stop slacking and get to work. What, are you going from one part of downtown to another via the state of North Carolina?

Anyway, it's a good thing for them DB is so hot and I gave this show a second chace and liked it, because that Pilot made my eyes burn.

And I finally finished Moonlight and a few pretty caps behind cut.

Poor Josh :(


anime, bones, teevee, vampire knight, moonlight, screencaps

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