Yes, I have tons of photographs from Japan remaining. This batch are some of Kyoto photographs, more to come. These are all from our first day there.
I fell in love with the city right from the start, so the pictures are even more plentiful than usual.
The train station (where we disembarked) is supposed to be some sort of a modern architectural marvel, and I can see why.
But first, we are greeted with this rather prosaically named eatery:
Train station pics:
On the roof:
And going down:
On the streets. We ended up walking and getting rather lost, because our ryokan (traditional hotel) was in the old part of town and the exact street was not given. The signs were in Japanese and our Japanese is non-existent. But even with the backpacks, it was worth it, seeing wooden, latticed houses, cobbles, and geishas (or at least geisha-looking women).
We finally managed to locate our ryokan. I wonder what they thought of the weirdos staying with them :P
Our room:
Ladies' bath (we had a private one, though)
And back on the streets again:
How could you not love this? And it was so quiet...
On the way from a temple:
And the view:
One of my favorite photos from the trip:
More to come...