OMG, obsessive real-life celebrity couples? YES.

Dec 06, 2007 18:31

I am reading the Kapoors book and the section on Raj is so fascinating.

And all the bits on Raj Kapoor and Nargis?


I mean, they are one of my all-time favorite on-screen couples, and I know they were romantically involved in real life, but I didn't know how much. She was basically his work wife. EEEE!

I love this quote from one of their friends: "There was nothing that could stop them, nothing that could separate them. There was not a line between them, there were no dots. She was everything that life meant to him. The loves, the quarrels, the tears, the fights, the reconciliations, the oneness-they were like one soul.'


Apparently, after she left him to marry Sunil Dutt (because she felt professionally side-lined and because she realized conservative Raj was never going to divorce his wife), on Raj's orders her room in his place remained exactly the same, as if she never left, with some of her clothes still laid out, until he died.

The author states that after she left him, he used to burn himself with cigarettes to check if he wasn't dreaming.


And come home drunk and just weep for hours, and his wife once bitterly mentioned it and said something to the effect of 'do you think I thought he wept for me? I knew he wept for her.'

Somehow, it does seem very dramatically Raj Kapoor.

Of course, epicy fun as this is to read about, this couldn't have been awesome for his wife. Or the mistresses he took after Nargis. :)

I mean, the man took a written proposal of marriage she got from some producer while they were dating, and glued it back together (Nargis tore it up and told him it was nothing) and had it in his desk 20 years after.


bollywood, kapoors

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