Twincest never looked so good...

Nov 30, 2007 01:15

Btw, Mr. Mousie wins at life. He came home as I was starting up Boku wa Imouto ni Koi wo Suru. His reaction to my comment 'it's OK [you came home late], I am watching the incest movie' was an amused 'of course.' And then I told him the summary and his reaction: 'It's twincest now?' Heh. When I went 'you know the term?' his response was 'you use it all the time.' LOL. LOL.

Anyway, this is a roundabout way to bring you screencaps from the first 15 minutes of the movie. It's such an incredibly pretty movie. And so far, I reallt like it. And oddly, because the whole 'twins in love with each other' is so disturbing as an abstract concept, the movie just comes across as sweet so far (maybe I am just a goner for serious, brainy intense guy pining for cheerful, not as bright girl, in whatever form? Or because the actors are obviously not siblings? Who knows, but my squick factor has not been pinged yet).

So here are some screencaps. Gee, do you think they are MatsuJun-centric? Ya think?

Chibi!Matsujun making a wedding ring:

In a field of flowers:

Putting it on her finger. Seriously, what with fields of flowers, apple-cheeked children and flower rings, they are making twincest wholesome. Heh.

Grown-up twins:

Awwwww. Yes, I am going to hell.

I've never seen this actress before, but I like her:

She has an admirer but is oddly not interested :)

Even though he is nerdily cute:

Oh well:

Good clothes? Check. Good hair? Check. Is it MatsuJun or has he been replaced by a clone? Seriously, swoooooon:

Picking at his scab. Ooooh, symbolism. And bare legs. :)

He is friends with his sister's admirer. I smell...waaaangst!

I shall be recovering for a while, thanks:

I love the crispness of these shots:

After telling his friend he is OK ith him dating sis, looking like someone offed his puppy:

Watching her. Did I mention the swooning over MatsuJun's looks in this?

He has an admirer!

And off to be for me. My fave scene so far though, was at night when she was asking him about the guy who asked her out and he told her to go out with him but in the darkness you could see his eyes and...eeeee. MatsuJun, why must you be so good? Also, I decided I really like his voice. A lot.

boku wa imouto ni koi wo suru, matsujun

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