The moment Baroness went 'O Hai Duke' at the beginning when Cobra was busy owning the NATO army, I was thinking of two things:
1) Duke would become Cobra Commander, OR
2) Baroness will become one of the good guys
I have to agree with you guys the dancing Cobra Commander version was way much better.
I had a good OH SNAP! moment just before going to sleep yesterday after chatting with
bonebox about the Hitagi Crab chapter in Bakemonogatari.
SPOILER under strikethrough ALERT!
You know the part where Araragi also gained weight? Once you understood what the Hitagi Crab arc was about, it now totally makes a whole lot of sense, especially after we learnt the dynamics of their relationship in Mayoi Snail.
Man, that anime is incredibly deep in that you have to rewatch each story arc again to get everything that happens in a particular episode.
Anyway, found out that Saki is also facing the dilemma of the anime overtaking the source material. K-ON was lucky in the sense that it was already near the end of the season. I don't want another Fullmetal Alchemist 'ReWrite' thing going on, hopefully the anime writers are working closely with the mangaka on the script for the remaining episodes. Also learnt that Gonzo is no longer spear-heading the production, since they're kinda bankrupt or something at the moment. :O
EDIT - Thanks to Saki, I now can understand why some people enjoy the whole card battle aspect of YuGiOh. If people like me who don't understand crap about mahjong can enjoy Saki, then people who don't understand crap about actual Magic:TG type games can enjoy YuGiOh. So I'll make peace with YuGiOh fans.
I won't make peace with Saint Seiya manga lovers however. You guys are just fucked up. :P