, Not Keith Ellison, decides what book a congressman takes his oath on::By Dennis Prager America? America chooses what book a congressman is to take their ceremonial oath on? I could have swore that America separates the Church from the State. Yet America chooses to use "The Bible" as the required book of swearing in a congressman for a ceremonies and photo-ops? I would think that those that practice religion would be able to choose the book they use for their ceremonial swearing in. Isn't that what the 1st amendment says, something about "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"? I being of sound mind and self-though commend anyone of any religion or of no religion to use the book of their choice, or no book at all to swear in to their Federal, Municipal, or City office. I just can't get my mind around why people would be up in arms about this.
Fortunately this isn't the official swearing in and no book is required for swearing in, but I don't understand that in this day and age that people can't accept not everyone is Christian. The easiest solution to this "ceremony"/photo-op issue is just making it a handshake instead of the use of any book, IMO.
Do I make any sense here? Or should I just stay away from debating politics? It's not my forte.