Dare I Hope?

Apr 11, 2009 19:07

Well since 24 hours has now passed, I think I can say with some conviction that my month long marathon period has come to an end.

Amen.  Thank god.  Hallelujah.

I went to PP on Thursday and they were like um, we're gonna have to check you out.  My mother was infinately happy to hear that.  I took the hemoglobin test along with a discussion with the RN.  My hemoglobin levels were in the normal range, but lower than they liked, so now I'm doing a one a day and eating salad to get my iron levels up.  I bled so much I knew it was effecting my energy levels.  I'm still really tired, but I'm hoping that the increased iron levels will do me some good.

The end of the bleeding isn't just a yes!  no more pads! kind of moment.  It now means I can make my coloscopy appointment and get that over with and the RN off my ass.

I am also pretty certian my tiredness and low iron levels are attributing to the fact I'm about ready to choke a bitch with these pain in the ass guests and my idiot coworkers.  These are the laziest, most self absorbed, moronic people I've had the displeasure of renting space to.  There is a 4 year old running around with a pacifier in his mouth, two parents who should have done us all a favor and NOT reproduced, and goddamn forbid they actually follow the rules.  **sigh**  I have GOT to find me a smarter demographic or a job that'll pay me to be a hermit.
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