Mar 25, 2006 03:49
\Working again tonight. I really wasn't planning on it, but since my plans were off by a day, I figured, what the hell why not? Its another night of training, another night of money, and quite frankly, I wasn't going to do much tonight away. I did MUCHO better tonight, about an hour earlier than before. It was another easy night, to which I am grateful for. Especially since I'm still training. Next week really is the test. Matt, the other night auditor, will be gone and I'll be on my own. Gabe, the other newbie auditor withdrew from school, so I'm the only other night auditor outside of Matt, Lynette, and the back-up (what's his name. . .). So ask me next week if I'm any good at my job. Maybe the back up or Lynette or someone will be in to make sure I don't fuck it up. Cause you all know that my luck would make it a hard ass weekend, filled with shit I have NO CLUE how to work into the audit. Then I'll just be hysterical and cry like the pussy I can be. Such entertainment, I know. But that is 18 hrs worth of work in 2 days- a shiiiiiiit load of money for me. **rubs hands together** Mmmmm, money. . . . .
Jake's moving out later today. For those that don't know, things have changed in the apartment and Jake is leaving to join the Army- interpreter and shit in Japanese. Its something that interests him. So that leaves the three girls. And I'll tell you all what, we chickas have been crazy bonding. We're nuts! We congregate and seem to move between my room, Autumn's room, Dria's room, and the kitchen. We 'steal' each other's food, joke, laugh, and have a good goddam good time. THIS is how it should have been. We gals are gonna clean the apartment from top to bottom next weekend (when we'll all be home, although I'll be working nights, so we'll see how productive I'll be.) or so. We've called dibs on different rooms and we're talking elbow grease cleaning. Its gonna feel fresh in the apartment, just intime for Spring and nice weather. We'll be able to decorate and organize and stay clean. It's gonna be WONDERMUS!!!! And then we'll throw a party and have all of our friends over to enjoy our place. We never had a "housewarming" party and hardly anyone comes over. We feel like hermits (well I am, but still, I like people contact on occation). Spring is gonna be a time full of change.
\So the symposium went well. Didn't get anything, but I was happy with the response. I am also happy with the sheer joy on the FCS Dept Chair and Assistant Chair over my internship. They just love it and it makes me happy I am making such an impression on such important people. Rec letters people, I smell Rec letters. Dr. Sampson and Dr. Doyle came by, which really made me happy (well I knew Sampson was coming, but I was happy Doyle came). I had a lot of question from people. Tayna came at the end and took the T-Forms back to Minnetrista (well home, they were still in her car yesterday, lol). But the best part about it was when I told Tayna I needed more time and she told me that she would rather me take my time getting the costumes done rather than rushing through them. I have until 12 April to get them all done. And I know I can with 2.5 weeks more to finish them. Whew!!!
I am going home this weekend. Dria is going home (Therese came to get her) so she can get one last fitting in for the dress she's wearing in her brother's wedding. She needs to get it in now before she gets too skinny for the show. So I figured I needed to get the hell out of Muncie for a few days (Meg, we need to talk about me coming to visit one weekend. I had a dream and I swear to god we were on the phone confirming a visit). My folks don't know, they think I'm working (it was a white lie that turned out to be true). So I'll go home and visit with the 'rents and bro while Dria does her family time thing and then its back to Muncie. Its one day, but you know what, I am just UBER glad that I'm getting out of town. Besides, spending 4 hours in a car with Therese and Dria are gonna be fun (if I'm not passed out from working all night).
I'm concerned over these two history papers I have to get done. I need to e-mail a couple of people, interview at least one person in-person, and get started on research for my H240 career assessement report. Its 10 pages and due 5 April, which means I'll be working on it a lot next weekend when I work! I tried starting my H320 paper, but I don't really know what questions I am answering or how to exactly write this. So I'm gonna pull an old speechie method (see, forensics does weasel its way in and never leaves) by writing it in sections, then pulling it together. My vehical is going to be ghost story of course, but I think my problem is not having questions to answer. So that's this week's history goal. This paper was orginally due the same day as the H240 paper, but Dr. Hall gave us 240/320 students an extra week so we're not going crazy. I also have to keep in mind that 320 is just a rough draft.
I feel really off today. I took yesterday and today off with the internship and planned on working on some paper work (which I need to do and will do so after this). But what first threw me off was I came home from meeting with Tayna yesterday and went down for a nap. Slept til 7p- right through class. Dumbass. Then I went down at 1:30a and got up at 12p (no alarm, go me!). With nothing to do today (other than finish up laundry that I started yesterday), I felt lost and was rather confused as to what day it really was. I hate feeling like that. Can't wait- after getting out of Muncie for a couple of days, I can start right back up on Monday with a clean slate. Need to get my list of the week ready now. I add to it periodically and I keep in my date book. Trying to keep reasonablely organized.