I believe she grows lonely in my company, though I am short of breath.
Likening that which is longing for is tiring none the less. Unique….
It’s all looking down from here, didn’t clime to far so its comforting to know the fall should be short…by and by, no injuries taken before or after the plummet. Still I stop and think, to gather myself is not the answer maybe some coldness will freshen my thoughts, all a jumble in my head, but words are not my enemies here.
I have none and done none, but have many to be…. But many is a big number and counting is tedious and slow….. Pointless? Yes! But meaningful to me, it will change nothing but looking back I can know that I at least did do….. for no one else will look but me. For them to look would be an invasion of privacy, but still it is sometimes worth the invasion for someone else to share….. or is better to view only yourself so your not on display for people??? Because people are evil, yes even you.
Sort myself out you say? Haha exactly!!! Exactly!!! But unfortunately as easy as you suggested that its easy to loose sight, even for a second…
Fuck I hate these ppl that can go home and sort there shit out, then go back again!! I hate evey stinking person who has a family, that’s pretty much everyone, I hope they loose everyone they are close to just so they can feel what its like to have no one. Despite apparently being close to people, I let them close…. But still nothing, I mean emotionally I get attached to things and people but still I see it as, its not a part of my flesh therefore expendable and not a part of me…
Man I wish this living thing was over so I could look back and say …… ‘yep wasted it, knew it would happen’ instead of sitting here actually wasting my life, that would be so much more productive… what the hell is this shit about? Not in the suicidal point of view of course but more in the like midlife crisis way…… I swear I been going through one for like 3 years……. Makes me want to go live in the forest talk to nothing but possums and wear only tie fishing pants… possibly catch malaria or whatever yay…
Haha… err..ah.
http://www.mauriceland.de/diplomblog/wp-content/camel_spider_sm.jpg oh god!!! keep them away!