Mar 15, 2004 15:50
I believe it was Morrisey who once said, "We hate it when our friends become successful". How true.
I remember being at school and struggling so hard to keep up with my peers. A lot of the time I hid my lack of knowledge by joking around, mouthing off and in some circumstances, flirting. All these years later it is true to say I regret it, and it's holding me back from all the things I'm capable of doing, but unfortunately have no pieces of paper to prove it.
So now, I kinda sit back and watch all those people I grew up with in good jobs, living in nice places, not worrying about money. I worry about money, sometimes it's all I can think about. "How am I gonna get to work, I don't have enough petrol in the tank?" "I'm sorry, I can't meet you for a drink." "Cheese on toast for supper again, anyone?"
My parents struggled for years when I was growing up, I wouldn't say I was deprived, but we used to have to go without a lot of the time. Of course, I didn't understand it, just as my successful friends don't understand it. And now tonight, I'm supposed to be going out for a friends birthday, I don't have the money and I'm really worried she will be upset if I don't show. What's a boy to do with no money and plenty of successful friends?