3 (or 7) Days to Go!

Oct 16, 2008 12:39

I'm not one of those people who says, "get this baby out of me!" but it would be really nice to know exactly when the baby is going to arrive. The reason why is because edsnug bought her a Halloween costume--the costume I wanted to buy but didn't because I wasn't sure if she would be born in time to wear it--the chili pepper! Plus, it would be nice if I could know what I could be for Halloween, but oh well, no matter. I'll plan on being here to give out candy or maybe go to a party. Either way, I really want to make some kind of cool dessert for Halloween.

I felt some contractions the other night while I was sleeping and I think I also felt one on Saturday night. I have gotten calls from people checking to see how we're doing and that has been nice. I also have gotten a bit tired of the question, "when are you going to pop?" and responded last night, sarcastically, that I'm "not a balloon." Unfortunately I didn't realize I'd hurt the person's feelings that I was talking to. I've actually gotten pretty good at not doing that, it just so happened that I was a bit over the top with the snarkiness last night. Luckily the person involved was gracious enough to not hate me about it.

The midwife told me I'm "the picture of health" yesterday. joelzero and I did the belly cast last night and I think when we're done it'll turn out pretty cool. We took a picture of me while we were waiting for it to dry. Sitting for as long as I had to sit was extremely uncomfortable, and then taking the cast off was a bit hurty, but we got it done and now it has to dry for a day. We're thinking we'll do some decoupage on it. I had an idea this morning that we could put a kind of photo family tree on there, so we need to get copies of photos of the grandmas and grandpas and such to do that.

So now it's the waiting game. I am determined to relax as much as possible, although I do want to try to get the labor started without having to be induced by the midwives. All I've heard about induction sounds bad.

I'm excited to meet the baby, though! Yay, the day is quickly approaching!


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