10 (or 14) Days To Go!

Oct 09, 2008 10:36

Okay, so we're down to the last two weeks!

We went on the official tour of French Hospital last night. I have met with a couple of pediatricians and I think we've decided on Dr. Bravo. Dr. Bravo and joelzero both agree that we should preregister at Sierra Vista, so I guess we'll have to do that, I'm not sure when.

Sleeping has been more difficult this past week. The night before last I was up every 2 hours to go to the bathroom, plus it was super hot. Last night I only had to get up every 4 hours, so that was better. When I think about going to bed these days I think of what a long haul it's going to be--trying to get comfortable with the pillows between my knees, rolling over when my ear feels squished (and trying not to disturb JoelZero in the process), dragging myself out of bed to go to the bathroom--and I sometimes am filled with a feeling of vague dread. Of course I've been told that it's all in preparation for the awesomeness of the baby waking us up at all hours in the night when she needs us.

I am going to work on lining the toy box with the fabric I just got, and then I want to read the three or four books I have going right now. I have one on breastfeeding, one on the first year of the baby's life, the Dr. Spock book, and a book on exercise during "the childbearing year." I also just got a book called "The No-Cry Sleep Solution" and I'm hoping that will be something to help me.

I've been praying for patience with babies, and let me tell you, when you pray for patience, look out for your patience to be tried. Last Thursday we watched Baby C while his daddy was out of town and his mommy was out with a friend. I have to hand it to him, he's a good teacher of patience. I have realized since that night that I need to remember that I asked for the lesson I received and take responsibility for how all the screaming made me feel rather than getting irritated. He's still learning, and so am I, and I am grateful that I have this precious time to build my skills before my little one comes along. I know that not all babies are the same, but at the same time I know that every human being has similar needs. I'd like to be a source of stability for Baby C and to be a bit more forgiving of the screaming. I've just always had a problem with screaming, whether it was kids or adults doing it, unless the person screaming is on a roller coaster or is in some kind of real danger.

Generally, I feel like a big fat cow, at least when I see pictures of myself or see myself from behind. It bothers me slightly, but I'm trying to remember that all of the extra fat on me will go to breast milk. I just need to lay off the desserts, I guess. I don't know. I don't want to care about it, really. Maybe this is another thing I just need to come to terms with.

We got the crib the other day and put it in the garage. We will set it up when the baby is closer to 6 months old.

I hope the baby comes relatively on time! Keep your fingers crossed for me!


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