George Five!
George Fayeev!
Jorj Faiiive!
Geeeooorgee Fayyeeeevv!
Repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, spaz out, throw arms, retrieve, repeat, repeat, repeat.
And stop.
In a rare shift from last night’s TV, spiteful office gossip and vaguely witty banter, office talk has turned to politics. All regular participants harmoniously chair-spin; turn backs on flickering terminals to throw in their automatic, pre-determined, media shaped opines. The idea of one is to “give voting privilege for either reality TV or the democratic process of general election”. An idea that deflates my heart with a stab and a wheeze. “Brilliant” drones the quietly maddened chorus. Bedlam as they pseudo-seriously debate whether you’d get a vote in one reality TV show or them all. “I could live without the vote… so long as I get a say in who wins pop idol” they say, and I realise why it is that we’re utterly powerless in our own free world. But what do I know? Who will I vote for? It’s true that political power is worthless without economic power and as a citiZEN and a worker, I’ve none of that. Who will unravel this mess? Where’s the Church of Stop Shopping in the UK? How come I’m alone when there’s a ‘movement’ spawning myriad books, drawing hundreds of thousands to demonstrate? I’ve no idea, but I’m determined to find out and I know that if I don’t go to G8 this year then I may as well throw in the towel and register my X-Factor vote. Is anyone already involved in this?
Thanks to
spaceysunday for the best package I’ve received this year. I’d say more but I’d rather write back pen and paper.