Fanfic: Ephemeral Reverie

Jun 29, 2011 04:44

Ephemeral Reverie

Sungmin-centric, implied!Haemin

PG13, dark!drama

2965 words

The potential for dreams is paid by the potential for nightmares. Unfortunately, getting lost is much easier in the latter.

Dreams were a figment of reality )

sungmin is everything in my life, fandom: super junior, m: sungmin, pairing: haemin, donghae is my life, m: donghae, genre: dark, rating: pg-13

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Comments 11

dandanfung June 29 2011, 11:49:02 UTC
spot for peaches_n_kream

it's only fitting you get a spot for putting up with me while I was slaving away with this piece. <3333


peaches_n_kream June 30 2011, 00:16:59 UTC
d'awww~ thanks~ even though i've read a chunk of this already, at the risk of sounding painfully redundant, i have to say the idea for this fic is totally amazing and the intrigue simply doesn't cease *_____* <3 ( ... )


dandanfung June 30 2011, 01:05:21 UTC
actually, i knew you'd pay more attention to the bits of haemin i threw in everywhere.

and you were right, since you prompted haemin, there is a romance between them, donghae likes sungmin, that's obvious (with the twinkle and hyukjae blurting it out), but i originally intended for donghae to be the voice that's trying to help sungmin escape his dream, since everyone is worried about how he's all closed up, i tried including donghae in his dreams as a bit of lighthearted hope, and that the potential for romance is definately there because donghae appears in his dream (we're both tragic when it comes to haemin ;~~~; )

personally my favourite part was the picture frame too, i planned to write like, each frame being a different era of sungmin, so he's looking down at the tunnel of his career in suju, his different styles and haircuts, etc, like a hallway of milestones but I just didn't include it in the end. the darkness overtook it anyways.

i seriously really appreciate you <3333 ( ... )


dandanfung June 30 2011, 01:07:17 UTC
and because i forgot, just to say that the follow the rabbit is a pitiful refernce to alice in wonderland AND NOT THE CLICHE WHERE SUNGMIN IS A PWEETY PINK BUNNY THAT LIKES PICNICS AND SMELLING FLOWERS.


mt_cute June 30 2011, 00:30:53 UTC
That so DARK
Sungmin's dreams weird poor Minnie
I like it <3


dandanfung July 1 2011, 00:07:40 UTC
thanks for reading bb <33

haemin dontdon era!! MY FAVOURITE ERAAAA <333


summer0smiles June 30 2011, 04:40:32 UTC
Loved this. I love the way you put your words into this little piece. It was so real I feel as if im in the dream with sungmin, the things he saw, the darkness, even the pain...
Thank you!


summer0smiles June 30 2011, 04:50:56 UTC
Oh, I forgot one thing.... and I loved the very subtle haemin in here. It's as if Hae was trying to help, but Minnie's still trapped... oh haemin <333


dandanfung July 1 2011, 00:05:14 UTC
aha yes, i'm glad you sort of saw through that donghae was actually trying to help sungmin get out (he was the most successful, but that itself seems futile).

thanks for reading, i'm glad you felt that the dream scenes felt real, i was worried that it would come off as flat and uninteresting.

thanks for reading <3


^^ efeje June 30 2011, 06:46:15 UTC
i like how you mentioned more then half of SJ's members here ... and i missed both Hankyung and Kang In ...

ahhh IKR ~ Donghae is in love with Minnie ~ "Donghae looked up, eyes wide with a tint of hopefulness. Sungmin never understood the twinkle in his eyes, the glimmer hinting so much and representing even more." "Donghae thinks you hate him now, do you even know what you’re doing to him?”

Donghae was the Hope and the Light ~ that brighten up a bit or this dark fanfic >.<

always in love with your novel-like writing skill hihihi but i think my brain stuck at the ending ....


Re: ^^ dandanfung July 1 2011, 00:07:07 UTC
hahaa, yeha, it was sungmin-centric bandfic, kinda

yeah, donghae likes sungmin but it just didn't work out.

haha my writing skills are very lack luster, but thank you for reading.

as for the ending, sungmin still faintly hears donghae's voice (meaning donghae never gave up on liking sungmin/trying to help him), and the falling picture frame just means he's continuing to face the destruction of his dreams (because his dreams are destroyed whenever he gets critized in real life, so i'm just implying that sungmin is still emo)


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