Fanfic: Ephemeral Reverie

Jun 29, 2011 04:44

Ephemeral Reverie

Sungmin-centric, implied!Haemin

PG13, dark!drama

2965 words

The potential for dreams is paid by the potential for nightmares. Unfortunately, getting lost is much easier in the latter.

Dreams were a figment of reality )

sungmin is everything in my life, fandom: super junior, m: sungmin, pairing: haemin, donghae is my life, m: donghae, genre: dark, rating: pg-13

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peaches_n_kream June 30 2011, 00:16:59 UTC
d'awww~ thanks~ even though i've read a chunk of this already, at the risk of sounding painfully redundant, i have to say the idea for this fic is totally amazing and the intrigue simply doesn't cease *_____* <3

i really like the stuff you added in, whether to move between eras or tie pieces together. cotton candy clouds and flying chocolate birds >> rainbow moon rabbits, lololol omg, your sardonic sense of humor...

interesting, the thread you added about hae appearing, then disappearing, in the dreams and the whimpers and the search; the romantic in me leans towards min keeping himself from giving in to hae, that there is something there in his subconscious that he doesn't allow himself to reach...but of course i know that's not the focus of the piece :3 yeah, idk~ going with the whole reality slipping from grasp and mental defenses crashing and burning deal though, i really liked the part with the pitch black portraits, how they were impenetrable and suffocating, kind of like a void and min was getting sucked deeper and deeper which parallels the emo!min withdrawing into himself points; fantastic *w* there were actually lots of things i liked, but since i spazzed about them already, it'll probably look like i c/p everything >.> the ending though, gahhhhh~ hopeless tease!

...and because no comment from me is ever complete without the obligatory: the haemin, i see it. why is this so flippin' cute, ide, Donghae looked up, eyes wide with a tint of hopefulness. Sungmin never understood the twinkle in his eyes, the glimmer hinting so much and representing even more, and how hae thought min hated him, asdfghjlk, implied!haemin, they're so subtle but it's so cute, i adore it ;_____; <3

(also, why haven't i noticed your tags before now, donghae is my life, sungmin is everything in my life, lol, oh you.)

thank you for pushing through with the fic and sharing :'DDD


dandanfung June 30 2011, 01:05:21 UTC
actually, i knew you'd pay more attention to the bits of haemin i threw in everywhere.

and you were right, since you prompted haemin, there is a romance between them, donghae likes sungmin, that's obvious (with the twinkle and hyukjae blurting it out), but i originally intended for donghae to be the voice that's trying to help sungmin escape his dream, since everyone is worried about how he's all closed up, i tried including donghae in his dreams as a bit of lighthearted hope, and that the potential for romance is definately there because donghae appears in his dream (we're both tragic when it comes to haemin ;~~~; )

personally my favourite part was the picture frame too, i planned to write like, each frame being a different era of sungmin, so he's looking down at the tunnel of his career in suju, his different styles and haircuts, etc, like a hallway of milestones but I just didn't include it in the end. the darkness overtook it anyways.

i seriously really appreciate you <3333

HAHAHAH. donghaeismylife sungminismyeverythinginlife, i dont usually include those tags in fanfics, but in my random blurts of interior monologues and my spazzing, haha <3


dandanfung June 30 2011, 01:07:17 UTC
and because i forgot, just to say that the follow the rabbit is a pitiful refernce to alice in wonderland AND NOT THE CLICHE WHERE SUNGMIN IS A PWEETY PINK BUNNY THAT LIKES PICNICS AND SMELLING FLOWERS.


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