[Hierarchies] Prologue

Apr 11, 2010 16:32

Title: Hierarchies
Chapter: [Prologue]
Genre: AncientKorea!AU, drama, angst, eventual romance
Rating: PG-13 (mentions of torture)
Pairings: SiHan, pairings will develop.
Characters: Sungmin, Kyuhyun, Zhoumi, Ryeowook, Donghae, Henry. [Featuring: Siwon, Hankyung, Leeteuk]
Summary: Status determines your placement in society. From the food you eat to the clothes on your body, your status determines who you are and where you should stand. Inside the palace, the very structure of the hierarchy is challenged.
A/N: My new chaptered fic, SJ-M featuring Leeteuk and Sungmin.  I'm probably going to need a while to adapt to the ancient scenary and hopefully include more vivd descriptions in the future. Any comments, and especially critcisms, are much appreciated.
Aside: There will be no incest. Therefore, nothing sexual will arise from Kyumin and HanZhouRy


There was always a line drawn between a master, a servant, and a slave. Your social status determines where you stand in society, which determines your friends and people you associate with. Status determines how people look at you. Status even determines how you look at yourself.

The masters were always snobbish, uncaring and obnoxious. Rich folks like them never had to worry about food on their plate, a roof over their heads, or even concepts as simple as sleep and warmth. Masters were heartless and cruel.
It wasn’t like that for Sungmin and Kyuhyun.

The servants were always considered a tier lower in comparison to the people they served. Servants were punching bags, rag dolls, for their masters whenever something displeased them. Servants never had a choice, they did as they were told.
It wasn’t like that for Donghae and Ryeowook.

Slaves were even lower than servants, their very existence worthy of nothing but dirt and grime. Slaves were bargaining tools, chips and figurines used for trading. Slaves deserved nothing.
It wasn’t like that for Zhoumi and Henry.

A tale of masters, servants and slaves set in Ancient Korea. Fragile acquaintances between these three tiers blossom into budding friendships and flourishing romances. Heartbreak, deception and romance interwoven into a tale of palace life, the very structure of the social hierarchy is challenged.

Some servants are granted choice, certain slaves are able to break free from torment and torture, and masters sometimes realize they hold no power whatsoever.

Characters: Sungmin, Kyuhyun, Ryeowook, Zhoumi, Donghae, Henry
Featuring: Hankyung, Siwon, Leeteuk

hierarchies, sjm

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