Title: Lust is Easy, Love is Hard, Like is most Important
Pairing: Kyusung, ninja Yewook, Yeteuk, KangSung, Kyumin
Genre: Fail!Humour (epic!Fail humour), fluff
Rating: G
Summary: Kyuhyun realizes why its only two of them eating dinner together.
A/N: To ricetard. no wait, oh crap what's her lj name...
domolovesyou <33 It's late, overdue, and it's fail. But.. here it is? <3? I need to go write angst or romance now. Humour will never work with me. EVER.
“Lust is easy, love is hard, but like is most important.” Yesung read off from a blurb in the magazine he held in his hands. Kyuhyun finally realizes why only two of them showed up to dinner.
“Hyung, be quiet.” Kyuhyun flushed at Yesung’s loud voice and he immediately zipped his sweater further up, hoping it would shield him from wandering eyes.
“You know, these articles are so right. Here it says that any relationship as to have one of those three things. A relationship will never work if two people do not have at least one of those three things.” Yesung put down the magazine on the dining cloth and pointed his small finger at one of the yellow speech bubbles. “See, I love Kangin, and Wookie, oh and Teukie too, and I lust fo-”
“Can you please, lower your voice.” Kyuhyun gritted his teeth and suppressed the urge to smack Yesung on the spot, but the last thing he needed was more attention.
“But Kyu, look here, it says that lust is the easiest, really?” Yesung seemed oblivious to Kyuhyun’s request at his volume. “And liking someone is the most important? Why is that?”
“I don’t know.” Kyuhyun tucked his baseball cap further down after he caught tables around them pointing and whispering in their direction. Finally, Yesung had some sense to shut up for a minute as Kyuhyun reached for his glass of water.
“Do you lust me?” Yesung suddenly asked. Kyuhyun almost spat out his gulp of water.
“Fuck no.” Kyuhyun choked down the liquid before he blurted out. “Fuck. NO. Hyung… god, no. Just no.”
“Then do you love me?” Yesung asked again and Kyuhyun rolled his eyes.
“You know who I love…” Kyuhyun distracted himself with his fork and knife. Every second he spent with Yesung, he felt himself act like the other man, taking interest in the most trivial matters. His heart skipped a beat when he thought of his roommate.
“Then you must like me.” Yesung pointed at the blurb. “Because it says here you have to have one of the three things for any kind of relationship.”
Kyuhyun honestly had no idea why he put up with him. He prayed their dinner would hurry up so Yesung would stop yapping about some dumb article in a popular magazine.
“Hey! Look here.” Yesung turned the page and read the title. “5 ways to lose your belly fat.”
God, why the fuck does he act like some dumb blonde. Kyuhyun pulled out his phone while Yesung began murmuring about going on an all berry diet, as if.
I fucking hate you guys so fucking much for ditching us for dinner. And no one told me about it. Screw you all. Min, you’re so dead tonight. Wook, please knock some sense back into him for god’s sake. Teukie, I will never trust you again. Hae, I hope your fish drown in the fish tank.
Kyuhyun hit the send button to the four people before he re-read the last sentence. Fish drowning in water. Kyuhyun swears that Yesung’s stupidity vibes are spreading.