I know this is counter to my meditation practice. This is not helpful to my state of mind. This only causes me to stew in it more. I recognize this. I am trying.
In a class that only meets three times in person, posting our grades after all assignments have been completed... Not Helpful. Also, not having posted grades (or feedback) on presentations, when the second ones are due in a week... Super Not Helpful.
Sending me emails stating "Send me this," when you are one of 80-some students I help? Not going to get you what you want. Be nice to me. I have your textbooks. Also? Not even saying hi, hello, or signing your name? Just rude.
Baltimore drivers.
Wordy Power Point slides. (GAH!)
Now, in an effort to counter balance those things (the first and second the ones that got me the most fired up over the last two days), here is a list of twelve things that make me happy (four three times the amount of items in the cranky list). [Math, not my strong point.]
Interesting lectures.
Going to work out with Sarah and that moment she grins mischievously at me and that means she is going to make me do something with weights that my arms will not thank her for tomorrow. :)
Sitting practice.
Tasty soup made by Sarah.
Meeting new people who are funny and make me smile.
Being productive.
Lots of books to read and things to learn.
Warm weather.
$20 tickets to the symphony.
NCIS episodes.
A great
new yarn to work with, to make a super secret project.
The bird clock chiming the hour.
Overall, life is pretty charmed.
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