Nov 02, 2013 22:56
So, it's November. That means NaNo. I don't know why I'm taking part this year, since I'm fairly certain this is all going to go down in tears, fire and the failing of exams. Ehm. Possibly a bad idea. BUT I'M STILL DOING IT (and only 3/4 of the way convinced that quitting is a good idea so far) AND THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT.
My story idea? Some dude who was cryogenically frozen without his permission, lost his body in a freak accident whose state of being was then transferred to a holographic device and refrozen for several decades, only for him to "wake" up several hundred years into his future on the scene of destruction to be then arrested as a culprit behind a series of terrorist attacks. And I'm supposed to write 50k of this?!
S.O.S. Plz hlp. Send booze.
i am an idiot,
i am a crappy writer,
ha-ha never again,