
Apr 22, 2012 22:14

Hm. So. The year (school) is winding down. Only about 30 days until I'm done, huzzah. Which means last minute cramming of information down our throats, a gazillion-million exams, and nervous gnawing on nails until results are posted.

My choir and orchestra are both participating in an international competition in Whistler this weekend. We leave Thursday and get back late Sunday, and are going to be competing with 400 other choirs and about 1000 orchestras. As expected, we are working our asses off and freaking out about it. I'm not really looking forward to the 12 hour trip to Whistler or back, or the fact that I'll have to get up at inhuman-o-clock every morning, but it's Whistler. And... well, a competition. Whoopee.

Also, I've wanted to write for a couple of weeks now, but haven't had the chance to sit down and do anything productive. I was going through my files the other day, and saw this one story that I wrote... maybe two years ago? Anyway, I really liked it, but executed it in a crappy way (it makes me cringe now), so I think I might have to scrap it and start from scratch. Bleh.

Ever had that thing where you look at old files, go "it was such a good idea!", endeavour to start it up again and then realize how much of an idiot you are for thinking you can take it all on at once? Yeah. Fun. So, edits in the near future. (And hopeful continuation.)

Also-The-Second, have you ever gone back to something and been disgusted with yourself for being so naive and impressionable? Gah. Some things are just... not worth keeping. At all. Ugh.

Additionally (because Also-The-Third refuses to be used), all the bugs have started coming out in my room. And I'm pretty sure there's a mouse in the walls or something. Ick.

news, update, school, musing

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