But If I Win, How Do I Collect?

Sep 15, 2008 18:16

Chemo. Fatigue. Broke. Blah, blah, blah. Although I had a fairly nice weekend away from the house, which I think I need more often.

I just wanted to pop up, say hi, and send this on to my brainiac friends out there...

The Large Hadron Collider Drinking Game.

The rules are simple. Take a drink of your favorite beverage whenever one of the following occurs:
  • A proton crosses the border between Switzerland and France.
  • A magnet quench in a superconducting magnet causes all the liquid helium to boil away.
  • A Higgs boson is detected (2 drinks).
  • Scientists learn the secrets of the universe and go insane (2 drinks).
  • A miniature black hole forms (2 drinks if it absorbs Switzerland).
  • Strange matter is created (weird, unusual or eccentric matter doesn't count).
  • A petabyte of data is generated.
  • Someone sings the chorus of the LHC Rap.
  • The Super Proton Synchrotron reaches 300 gigavolts (2 drinks if it hits 400 GeV).
  • The Compact Muon Solenoid finds something that completely alters our understanding of the fundamental forces of the universe.
  • Flight 19 suddenly appears over Geneva.
  • Particle superpartners are found to have natural supersymmetry.
  • An intern confuses muons with gluons.
  • The experiment goes awry and someone ends up with superpowers.
  • Aliens show up and make us turn off the LHC before we implode reality.
  • Scientists go back in time (2 drinks if they create a paradox).
  • Someone says "Big Bang."
  • Particles crash into each other (2 drinks if there are Batman-tyle visual sound effects, like "Pow!" and "Zap!" when it happens; feel free to construct your own).
  • Someone says, "What's a hadron?"
  • Scientists access another dimension (2 drinks if that dimension is occupied entirely by Donna Summer impersonators; 3 drinks if denizens of said dimension eat the scientists; note that these two conditions are not mutually exclusive).
  • Someone on TV questions the amount of money spent to build the LHC.
  • Someone on TV worries that the LHC will destroy the world.
  • The world ends (drink whatever you have left).
  • Scientists prove string theory (3 drinks because we'll all pretty much have to take their word for it).
  • Someone uses the term "beam pipe" in a pickup line.

health, humor
