Dec 05, 2011 16:49
[Action 1: Grocery Store]
[She is standing in front of one of the shelves. She has two things in her hand and she's looking from one to the other carefully. It's as if she's trying to make a life or death decision. In one hand there is muffin and in the other a honey role. The muffin seemed more interesting, but the honey role was closer to what she really wanted....]
They are not sufficient.
[But she really wanted to bring something nice home with her....]
I should not spoil her....
[But she hadn't gotten her anything since she arrived here.... What should she do?]
[Action 2: Library]
[She was in the aisle where the cookbooks could be found. She hadn't imagined there would be so many different ones, yet she couldn't decide which was the 'best' one to consider. Maybe this was a mistake....]
[Action 3: Empty field]
[Even an experienced Flame Haze needed to train, especially when they were adjusting their methods to better suit their situation. Wilhelmina was no exception. She used one ribbon to launch small objects into the sky and one of a few others to either catch the object, wrap it up, or destroy it. It would be easier if she could set up a dummy with basic responses, but that was not something she could do right now...]
Inefficient action.
A versatile partner is needed.
Who here would consider themselves appropriately skilled in combat? [There's a pause as she thinks about what she said for a moment.] Of the more fantastical variety.