so you think you know Andrea

Sep 20, 2005 19:21

LJ Interests meme results

  1. ballet:
    My first love. I abandoned it after college, but have now started up again and that makes me happy. Ballet allowed me to express myself through movement and gain a great appreciation of the performing arts.
  2. cats:
    I have always loved cats! I have always had at least one pet cat and could not imagine my life without one living with me. I have the most adorable cat ever right now, Cupcake. Cupcake came to me in college...and I was there when she was born and she's been with me ever since and she is the light of my life!
  3. dance dance revolution:
    DDR is definitely a great game. Can be challenging and it's also a great workout that allows you to have fun!
  4. doves:
    One of the symbols of my sorority and of peace. Both of which I am a fan of.
  5. flowers:
    What girl doesn't like flowers? pretty things that smell good!
  6. management:
    I was introduced early in my professional career to management and feel like I have accelled a lot. So I chose to study it further in college and that has helped me further my career to where I am now!
  7. music:
    Again, like dance, something that was introduced to me at an early age when I started learning piano. Music is very present in my entire family, so it made it easy for me to learn and love and appreciate. I love all the intricate details of music and being able to play it is a great feeling.
  8. pool:
    Playing pool is always a fun thing...especially the last two times I did it!
  9. roses:
    Again, with the flowers...roses are a beautiful flower and seem to represent so many feelings when they are given or received. And they smell so darned good too!
  10. singing:
    I've never been 100% comfortable singing by myself...but I will do it if I need to. Most of my singing occurs in the car, by myself...but it's fun to sing in an ensemble too, even though I haven't really done a lot of that.

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