Feb 26, 2005 15:40
went and got my new phone!!! kate n her friend kristin met up at my hosue. we chilled for a bit, and headed for matts. on our way we looked out hsoues, lol. matts hsoue was crazy inside, yea. manhattenville was sick. i got to chill with my loveys :-) and monster came home :-) and angie was up as well, havent sene that chica in this neck of the woods in a while. me, billy, and tinston smoked and then me and tinston smoked later that nite, while billy was on the phone hopefully getting the hook up from what i hear is a cute girl, yay! tinston is the shit. he jam packed the bowl, and he also packed it and wrapped it back up for me to smoke later, i cant wait till i open it and *SUPRISE*. i love suprises. i miss my chix. on the way home i let kate, kristin, billy and tinston indulge in my happy cookie.and to end my night, magnificent kate found my old phone!! now i have my numbers, wut a miraculous lady, who so totally rox my world, yes.
my dads jeep broke or something, and im on the phone with him, and i kept offering to drive down there so he can have my car or my gramps and he said no b/c then hes stuck with 2 cars n w/e. anyways my mom comes in (and she has no clue what weve discussed) and calsl me a selfish bitch or soemthign and goes no how he needs a car and how i wont drive to jersey and give him one. i got so mad. hwo dare she insinuate shit liek that. she just barge din, calline ME selfish and all thsi shit, meanwhile i offered hima car and a ride and all this stuff. bitch.
M w A h