Jan 02, 2006 02:05
hey all. keely is back from being sucked into the tv! i have pretty much been staring at a tele for all of break now and i havent been online once since school got out. but break hasnt been too bad, apart from my having a cold for the entire time. it really dragged my energy down and stuff. im getting pissed off at swimming too becausei keep on going low at practice. it makes me mad when i cant do something because of my health. then again, it is almost entirely my fauld too. i say almost because there is an element of myself that i seen unable to control when it comes to that.
so christmas was ok. dont get me wrong, i got a lot of cool stuff, but it just didnt get me all excited like it used to. it was almost as if i didnt want anything. the things that i want and need arent material. i miss the days of getting so excited about christmas that i couldnt sleep the night before. i want to be a little kid again, back when everyone was happy and i dreamed of being a grown up. now that the reality of it is less than a semester away, i realize that i have to grow up.finally be the adult that i have always dreamed of being. now that this year is gone, i see the final days of my childhood fast aproaching. im scared of growing up. im not ready to go it alone. i look at school and i see just how pitiful my efforts at being a wonderful student are. with my work ethic, ill be surprized if i pass my ap classes with a C or better.
so anyways, back to an overview. the christmas party was the awesome. sean got us cereal. that was probably one of the coolest things i got this year.captain crunch......mmmmmm. christmas itself was nice, we went to frankenmuth. excellent as usual.new years kinda sucked, but ended up being ok. we had to work out at flushing as floorguards till about 2 am, but the music was good so all wasnt lost. went to grand blanc afterwards and chilled there with natalie and dana.they made new years fun again. i skated all night long and my foot hurts a lot now. we went to breakfast afterwards at big boy with sean, alan, shane, john, aaron, devin, and more people. that was fun. i should've gotten the buffet, now that i think about it. im over it.after that, we all went home and slept. now i am up and starving to death.i think ill cook myself some noodle. soba sounds good right now.
to frankenstien: get shorter! as much as i like the novel, its too bloody long! considering that i have to have it finished by tuesday, its length is a real setback.
to everyone: have as happy a new year as you can make it!
to seniors: good luck with the remaining months we have and leave nothing unsaid. it will be regretted later.
and finally, to kira: i am happy that we had such a long friendship. it would be a waste to have ended it like it did. i miss you