Brazillian wax=sheer smooth brilliance!!!!

Apr 24, 2009 18:47

Y'all!  I totally took the plunge and got a brazillian bikini wax today!

It totally didn't hurt as much as everyone says it does!  And the results are BRILLIANT!

My nether-regions are smooth as a baby's skin--there is NO WAY I am ever going back to shaving, EVAR AGAIN!!!!!

No little tiny dots-o-follicles, just beautiful smooth skin!  SERIOUSLY, I cannot communicate how awesome this is.  It really doesn't hurt more than getting your eyebrows waxed.  I am the new DISCIPLE O' BRAZILLIAN WAXING (TM)   ;)

Why I did it:

Well, coupla reasons, but most pragmatically speaking, I've got a big ol' pagan festival coming up in a month, and I'll be sportin' me a full-body henna design (henna designs) whilst running about nekkid.  Lady-scaping is a must.  Pictures forthcoming (behind links, as shotfromthehip  so helpfully suggested back in the day).  I'm thinking it would make a GREAT SuicideGirls spread (hehe, pun).  Maybe Algor could do those shots???  I'm thinkin black n' white or sepia tone???  What sayesth thou, oh mighty F-list??

What it was like:

Apparently, its all about who you go to. I was very careful to go to a liberal, chill lady that was all cool with ladybits and sex, etc.  She also works with first-timers.  I've heard of horror stories, but if you live in NE or Lincoln, specifically, just contact me and I'll give you her card.  I assure you, she was sweet and oh-so-normal (not overly brusque, but not overly delicate either--like a hairdresser--after all, that is what she is, only she does one hairdo: bald).  My favorite part was when she said to me "Oh we don't have to do the rear, if you don't want to..." and I said "Oh, no, this is research, I want to get the whole thing done--I'm collecting data for my friends!" and she just busted out laughing and told me to crouch on all fours like a cat ;)

Ooooh that is soooo funny on several levels!


To the ladies:

You mostly psyche yourself out.  It really isn't that bad at all.  And totally worth the results.  It's actually *pretty*.  I elected to leave a triangle (technically a trapezoid) of bush for aestetics sake, but the rest of me is smooooooooth.  Just brilliant.  Makes me think I have to step up the rest of the skin-care regieme, because if my 'nanni is smoother than my face, maybe my face needs some TLC?!?!?

Dang.  I gotta start exfoliating.

The final word: I took 3 advil 20 minutes before my appointment, and it stopped aching within 10 minutes of the appointment.  Totally worth it.  Do it.  Seriously.  Unless you're into the au natural look (which I tried and got bored with), in which case, you-go-girl ;)  Work that!

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